Chapter 42

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Eliza and Jasper arrive right on the strike of 11. They sat on the hill for a while and talked, just enjoying each others company. Everything seemed much easier along on the deserted mound, no one watching them meant they could truly be themselves with the other. They left a little later than planned and ending up having to run down the hill to be on time.

Upon noticing their approach Lewin coughs quietly and around 15 people stand up straight in a line, their faces neutral.

"Good morning." Jasper addresses the servants. "My new wife and I will be spending our honeymoon here, therefore, we expect you to take up your positions here until we return to London."

Some of them look nervously at each other, Eliza notices Tianna from the bakery, she looks particularly worried. The change in Jasper's demeanour shocks her more, one minute he was chasing her around the hill like a young boy and the next he is the cold feared duke.

"You are to provide whatever my wife wishes. She is my equal."

The statement, although to not very many people, meant a lot Eliza and she smiles slightly.

"Lewin, Bancroft, my study." Jasper marches into the house and the two men trail after. Feeling slightly put out and abandoned Eliza turns to the rest of the household with the best smile she can muster.

"Hello, I am Eliza, I'd ask you to call me that but I know you won't so miss is fine." She offers a wry chuckle but no one moves an inch. "Very well, I am not the most adept at running the household so it would be good if you could help me. I suppose, for the time being, we could clean the house floor by floor and get started on dinner, there's no food so someone will have to run into town to buy that."

The staff look at her oddly.

"I did say I wasn't good at this." She blushes, "You know this house better than me and you know your jobs, I trust you to do what you think is best."

No one moves.

"Now?" Eliza asks afraid she has done something wrong but the servants move instantly and they walk into the house. Tianna drags herself behind them, her head hangs low and her feet are slow.

"Tianna." Eliza calls and the girl stops, turns and looks guilty.

"Your name is Tianna?" She asks her. The girl nods.

"Why do you look so worried?"

"It's nothing miss," Tianna says her eyes shifting away.

"Please don't lie to me," Eliza stresses, Tianna's lip wobbles and she bursts into tears. She sobs and sobs, her face is screwed up and tears flow from her eyes. Eliza stands awkwardly in front of her, unsure what to do, she settles for a one-armed hug.

"What has upset you so?" She asks once Tianna's sobs have reduced to hiccups, a thought occurs to Eliza, "Is it because of Jasper's father?"

"I don't want to work here." Tianna admits, "The old master was so cruel to my mama. She'd tell my papa all the horrible things that he did and I'd listen at the closed door." She breaks down into tears again.

"Tianna you don't have to work here." Eliza says, "It's your choice."

"The master won't be angry?" She looks up and sniffs.

"No." Eliza says softly, "Why don't you go home, or back to the bakery?"

"Thank you, miss," Tianna says gratefully, she bobs a curtsey and runs off from the house. Eliza watches her go with a frown, maybe she had underestimated the wrath of the late duke. She walks into the house to find the clean is in full swing. Maids rush around removing dust sheets, lighting fires and the most wonderful smell from the kitchen fills the house. She feels in the way with everyone running around doing jobs and Jasper locked away in his study.

"Is there anything I can help you with miss?" An older woman with fading brown hair asks as she passes.

"Are you the housekeeper?" Eliza asks.

"I am, miss, my name is Mrs Windle." The woman says smiling.

"Mrs Windle I do not mean to prise you away from your tasks but if you have a moment could you explain the household to me?" She asks her.

"I have some time now miss if you would follow me." Mrs Windle leads her down the east corridor.

"You have me and Mr Lewin, we run most things around the house. You have one excellent cook, Mrs Jones and she has two assistants from the village, Tim and Via. There are 3 butlers, Henry, Shaun and Killian, 4 maids that circulate the jobs."

"3." Eliza corrects, "Tianna prefers her job in the bakery. I let her go."

"I see," Mrs Windle frowns but continues, "We will find you a ladies maid as well and there is a gardener who comes once a month."

"There's no need for a ladies maid, we aren't staying for very long. I can dress myself and if not one of the maids can assist me."

"None of the girls employed here would know how to dress a duchess so I would recommend finding one." Mrs Windle advises.

"How about Lewin's daughter?"

"Ella?" Mrs Windle looks thoughtful, "I think she would do nicely."

"Then I shall talk to him promptly."

"About the linens we have and the dinner menu..."

"Mrs Windle," Eliza interrupts, "I can tell you are most proficient in the running of this household, so how about we keep everything as it is and if I wish to change or add something I talk directly to you?"

"If you like miss." She looks uncertain.

"Please don't let me hold you up." Eliza says, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just relax, miss, we shall do everything." Mrs Windle nods her head towards the door they are in front of. "This was my mistresses parlour, why don't you have a look inside?"

She curtseys and leaves. Eliza opens the door and walks inside. The room is smaller than expected, there are small tables that used to hold vases and three small chaise lounges are placed around a low tea table. The main window looks out to the driveway, the room is bright and colourful, a writing desk and two small book chests are to the left and the draws have writing sets and ink pots. She sits at the desk and places one sheet of paper in front of her, she stoppers a ink pot and dips a quill into the swirly depth. She begins to scribble a short letter to Charlotte.

My Dearest Charlotte,

I hardly know where to begin, I apologise for our hasty leave but my husband failed to mention that our exit would be so swift and have no time for goodbyes. I admit not much has happened since we last saw each other but it seems such a long time ago. Jasper's house is lovely although he has over fifteen servants and we aren't staying for more than a month. There seems to me a lot of tension in the town at his return, I believe his father is to blame, the more I hear of him the more I am glad he is dead. I know you will criticise me for saying such a thing however he does seem to have scared everyone he has met. I hope you and Thomas are having a delightful honeymoon, regarding that thing you told me a while ago, have there been any developments? I await your reply with hope, I am unsure of Jasper's plans while we are here but I doubt there will be much to report.

Much love

Eliza x

Eliza finishes the letter with a flourish and seals it shut in an envelope. She writes Charlotte's address on the front and walks to find a butler to give it to.

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