Chapter 24

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Eliza is pulled down the front steps and out on to the gravel by Penny, who is eager to get into Charlotte's carriage that has just pulled up in front of Chester Valley. Charlotte is helped down by one of the two footmen. The carriage is being pulled by two identical white horses with plaited mane, it has a black wooden structure with gold trimmings, even the wheels are golden. It is grand and imposing, it oozes power and money so it must belong to Thomas's family.

Charlotte greets Eliza and Penny with hugs. She has spent a great deal of time with Penny and Helen recently planing the flowers, seating arrangements even the order of service and they have become fast friends.

"Charlotte!" Benjamin hurries down the house steps waving an envelope in the air, Helen walks behind him holding a small green purse.

"Here." He hands Charlotte the envelope as he reaches her. "This is the money."

"Why aren't you giving it to me?" Eliza asks trying to see how much is in there as her friend opens it and her eyes grow wide.

"Because I have this for you." Her uncle says reaching into his waistcoat and handing her a different envelope. 

"What's this?" She asks running her finger under the seal.

"It's your wedding dress money." He explains. Eliza counts the money inside and her mouth drops open.

"I can't take this!" She exclaims trying to push the money back to him. "There's a ridiculous amount there."

Benjamin rolls his eyes, "You don't have to spend it all but I know how expensive these things are."

"But..." Eliza starts to protest.

"I am not taking it back." He states firmly, lucky Charlotte steps in.

"We need to get going or we will be late for Madame Olive's." She states pulling at her friend's arm. "Thank you, Benjamin."

"Anytime." He says.

Penny bounces into the carriage not bothering to wait for the footman to help her. Helen follows her daughter more gracefully. Charlotte accepts the hand of her footman and she steps into the carriage. Eliza hesitates before throwing her arms around her uncle and hugging him tightly. "Thank you."

"Yes well, you better get going." He says gruffly, patting her on the back.

She lets go and climbs into the carriage ignoring the helping hand. He shuts the little black and gold door behind her. The footman climbs up to the driver's seat and clicks at the horses.

"Bye." Penny waves from the little window as the horses walk on pulling them away from the house.

"Here." Charlotte opens a small bag she has brought with her. "You can keep your money in here."

Eliza slips her wedding dress money into it, a thought occurs to her.

"Could we stop at the bookshop in town after the dress fitting?"

"I don't see why not," Helen replies. Eliza smiles to herself, maybe this trip won't be all bad.

"Can I have a pink dress for the wedding?" Penny asks.

"How about a red one?" Charlotte asks. "Eliza is going to have a red bouquet."

"What colour is your bouquet?" The little girl asks.


"Charlotte you don't have a maid of honour so why doesn't Penny be a joint one and that way she can wear pink?" Eliza proposes.

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