Chapter 35

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One foot in front of the other.

Eliza repeats this in her head, she grips on to her uncle's arm. The aisle is a cream carpet, the end of the pews are decked with lace and vases of roses, lace taffeta is hung all around the walls and up at the front stands Jasper and Thomas. Eliza focuses on Jasper's face but she gets distracted by how handsome he looks, he is wearing a black coat with tails, long black trousers even his shirt is pitch black. The only colour is the small red rose tucked into his jacket. His eyes meet hers and he freezes, he looks her up and down a few times, a sinful smile crosses his face and his eyes flash with heat. Eliza blushes at his intense stare.

When Jasper first sees Eliza enter the church the entire world falls apart, his heart starts beating at 100 beats a minute and a hot flash slashes through his stomach. Walking towards him he can think of nothing else but of how lucky he is to have fallen for such a girl. Her nervous green eyes meet his and he smiles at her, a red blush creeps up her cheeks and the urge to hug her washes over his body. It is evident that she has no idea how ravishing she looks right now. The guests turn and stare at her as she walks by and some of the men start to whisper but it doesn't bother him, she is his wife and no one else's.

They reach the altar and Benjamin passes Eliza's hand over to Jasper, her hand shakes slightly so he grips it tightly. The minister opens his book and begins to read in Latin, something about adultery, children and obeying but she didn't pay much attention in her classes so she can't be sure. At last, the minister turns to Charlotte and Thomas so she focuses on him.

"Do you Thomas take Charlotte to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Charlotte take Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, to hold and to serve, till death do you part?"

"I do."

The minster turns to Eliza and Jasper, her heart beats faster and faster, there's a strange rushing in her ears.

"Do you Jasper take Eliza to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, to love and protect, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Eliza take Jasper to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, to have and to hold, till death do you part?"

"I do.''

"Then I now pronounce this man and this woman and this man and this woman united in holy matrimony." The minister declares, "You may kiss the bride."

Jasper places and gentle kiss upon her lips and the church explodes with applause. Charlotte breaks away from Thomas and he drags her down the aisle, Jasper and Eliza follow to the outside. Two wedding carriages pulled by black horses stand at the ready, Thomas helps his new bride into the first and Jasper pulls Eliza into the other one. Guests filter out of the church, children throw confetti over the new couples, Eliza turns around in her seat and throws her bouquet into the crowd, Cecily catches it in a jump, she bushes as people clap. The carriages are pulled forward and Eliza settles by her husband. The horses trot through London and people wave at them, she waves back and blushes when people cheer her. Jasper puts an arm around his wife and she leans her head against his shoulder.

"That was intense," She comments lightly.

"That was a duke's wedding." He replies.

"Hmm still," She yawns and nestles herself deeper against him. The journey is about 20 minutes so she gets comfortable. The time goes quickly as there're people everywhere, she waves at children and catches flowers thrown by young maidens.

"We are leaving at 4 just so you are aware," Jasper says as they pull up to Thomas's estate. Eliza sits up immediately.

"Going? Going where?" She asks

"I thought you might like to see my estate?" He says, "In York, for our honeymoon?"

"Oh." Eliza is taken aback. "I'll have to pack a few things..."

"I spoke to your uncle and your maid, everything is taken care of."

Eliza can't speak as he helps her down from the carriage. To no one's surprise, Elizabeth is already there.

"You have approximately 15 minutes before everyone arrives, you need to change immediately." She directs looking at her pocket watch, "Charlotte your things are in the west bedroom and Eliza's are in the east, could you show her please?"

"Of course" Charlotte seizes Eliza's hand and leads her inside the giant house, they don't stop to admire the floral arrangements or the glasses of champagne on the side. Eliza is taken up the west staircase and directed to a small door.

"I'll see you in a bit," Charlotte promises, she disappears into her room so Eliza slips inside her room. Upon the small bed it a dress of red velvet made from the bolt of fabric at Madame Olive's shop.

"This must have been what Helen meant by a surprise." Eliza murmurs, holding up the dress. Her eyebrows rise as she takes in the front. The dress has no corset or bodice. It goes straight down over the hips and only creates a small skirt at the bottom.

"Holy..." The scandal of not wearing a corset in front of so many people might not be a brilliant beginning to the party. She undoes the ribbon on the back of her wedding dress and steps out of the gown, careful not to catch her heels on the material, she folds it up best she can and places it on the bed. Eliza stares at the velvet dress for a few minutes before slipping in to. It hugs her body like a second skin, the velvet clings to her waist and hips and slides down to her mid-thigh before puffing out in a small skirt. Her wedding jewellery goes nicely with the dress but she removes her necklace as the neckline is high and takes off her earrings just leaving her tiara and bracelet.

"Knock knock." Charlotte pokes her head around the door. "Woah."

"I know, Helen chose it," Eliza says biting her nails.

"You look incredible," Charlotte says but Eliza doesn't say everything. As usual, Charlotte is looking like a sophisticated duchess, her dress is a rose colour made entirely from the finest silk and is decorated with jewels on the bodice and hem.

"Do you think I should change?"

"There isn't anything to change into."


"We need to go." Charlotte presses. "Everyone is here."

"Fine." Eliza follows her out of the room and down to wear their husband's stand waiting, they have also changed and are positioned to greet guests. She stands next to Jasper who just stares at her.

"What are you staring at?" She asks under her breath, he quickly looks away.

"You're not wearing one of those waist things." He says out of the corner of his mouth.

"A corset," She whispers back, "I am aware, your mother chose this dress."

"My mother?"

Before she can reply the doors open and the guests begin to pour in.

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