Chapter 54

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"What did the doctor say?" Jasper asks as he takes in the still figure of his sleeping wife. 

"That if she woke to call him," Thomas answers from the doorway. 

"And she woke?" 

"Momentarily," Charlotte says, her hand encased by her husbands, "I think fever still has hold of her." 

"What are her chances?" Jasper asks as he takes in her dull skin, cracked lips and thin face. 

"Well..." Charlotte begins 

"Realistically." He interrupts. Charlotte closes her mouth and Thomas speaks instead. 

"She has a day to shake the fever, if not then they aren't good." 

Jasper nods and takes his coat off, he drapes it over the chair and sits down. 

"Both of you get some sleep." He says as he unties his shoes, "You need it." 

Charlotte tries to protest but Thomas stops her, he whispers in her ear. 

"He needs time with her." 

Charlotte concedes and they leave the bedroom and shut the door. Benjamin meets them at the top of the stairs carrying a tray of tea and food. 

"He's inside with her," Thomas says, answering his questioning look. 

"I'll take him this and then I am going back to Ryddan manor," Benjamin says. "I don't know if his mother knows he's here." 

"No one knows anything," Charlotte whispers frantically, "Why is he here? How did he know she was here? There's not a carriage outside, just a single horse."

"I think those are questions for when we are all more rested," Benjamin says calmly.  

"But...?" Charlotte starts, her forehead scrunched up. 

"In the morning," Thomas promises, kissing her cheek, his wife sighs in defeat and he takes her to their room with a small goodnight to Benjamin. 

Jasper looks up from Eliza's white face as Benjamin opens the door and places his tray on the table. 

"In case you're hungry," Benjamin explains. Jasper doesn't say anything, he just nods and turns back to Eliza. 

"Goodnight Jasper," Benjamin says as he leaves the room with a concerned backward look. 

Jasper sits by his wife's side for hours, he doesn't sleep or speak. He watches every twitch she makes and every moan she voices. A few doors along and Charlotte hasn't slept a wink, she tosses and turns, her stomach feels heavy and she can't get Jasper's arrival out of her mind. Thomas's breathes steadily next to her, she turns on her side to face him, his eyes are tightly shut and he doesn't wake when she slips out of bed. Charlotte creeps along the corridor to where Eliza lies, she slips inside. Jasper looks up as she takes his empty chair, through the night he climbed into bed with his wife and now her head lies on his lap as he sits up against the back wall. 

"Hello," Charlotte says softly. "How are you feeling?" 

"I am fine." He replies shortly. "Why aren't you in bed?" 

"I couldn't sleep." She says, she bristles at his harsh tone. He narrows his eyes on her but doesn't argue. She feels her questions burning in her chest but she remains silent. Jasper eventually voices his annoyance at her presence.

"Why are you here?"

"I have a few questions." She admits

"They couldn't wait till morning?" His voice is cutting and angry.

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