The Big Pool Party.

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Niall POV

Today is Brit big pool party. "Haven, go ahead and put your swimsuit on. We can leave our change of clothes in the car." Brit rented out a famous hotel pool for her party.

I put on some swim trunks and a button-down tropical shirt leaving it unbutton. Haven comes in with a purple and gray two-piece. I put my hair in a bun and put some shades on. I sit down on the bed and Haven sits between my legs, "Same as me?" She nods her head and I put her hair up in a messy bun. I hand her some shades and she puts them on.

Rafiki has on some red swim trunks, "Rafiki, stay with Bean for the entire time. Do you understand?" He nods his head and hugs Bean by the neck. We walk downstairs and head to the car. It takes us an hour to get to the hotel.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" A young teenager asks me, "I'm here for the pool party." He nods his head and points in the direction of the pool, "Go down that hall and to your right will be the entrance to the pool." I nod my head and smile as thanks.

"What took you so long?!" Brit comes up to me with a frustrated look, "I'm here early just like you said." She rolls her eyes, "Just help me blow these things up." I look behind her and see all types of pool stuff. My eyes widen, "Like hell! I will not waste my breath on those things! Why didn't you do this the night before?!" She crosses her arms, "I forgot, I was to busy getting everything else situated."

"Don't worry, Niall. I got some pumps that can blow the stuff up with no problem." Dexter walks up to us with air pumps in his arms. He hands me one and hands Haven an electric one, "We'll be done in no time." Haven plugs up the electrical pump and I attach a pool item to it. It blows up fully in a whole minute. We continue the same routine for thirty minutes.

"We're finally done! I'm so glad I have you as my brother." Brit hugs me and I hug her back, "Love you too." Dexter holds his arms out for a hug and she rolls her eyes, "I rather not."

Dexter laughs, "But I will!!" Rylee comes out of nowhere and jumps in Dexter arms. Dexter falters back a little from the surprise attack. "You look so sexy in your swimsuit." Rylee does a little spin, "Thank you, I didn't even try." I look at Brit and see her glaring at Rylee and Dexter.

"You're clearly jealous. Why don't you just admit it? You like him." She glares at me, "No, I don't. Soon there will be models here and I don't have to worry about him for the entire day." I laugh as she storms off, "Why are y'all here so early?" Jay and Ty do a handshake with Dexter and Kylie give him a hug.

"We didn't want to wait in the line." I look at Jay and drop my head, "You wouldn't have waited. All you had to do was just call me." He shrugs his shoulders and laughs, "Well, we're here now."

Thirty minutes later people start coming in. The DJ starts playing music and people start dancing to the music. I take my shirt off and jump in the pool. I come back up and see Haven staring at me. I climb out and walk up to her, "Come on, let's get in. Nothing will happen to you." She shakes her head and I slowly pull her towards me, "Just hang on to me."

"Promise?" I nod my head and we slowly walk to the pool. It's two different pools at this hotel. One for people who want to play around and splash. The second one is for people who just want to chill. I get in the second one and she tightens her grip on my hand. "Wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist."

She nods her head and does as I tell her. I walk around the pool and she whimpers, "It's not that bad." She looks at me and shows me a nervous smile. "Take a deep breath." She does that and I laugh, "Now your all relax." I spin around and she squeals. I go to the deeper end and she tightens her arms around my neck, "Calm down. Didn't I promise you?" She looks at me and nods her head.

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