I Promise To Take You To The Beach In The Future.

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Niall POV

"I want to join." We all look at Haven with wide eyes, except Dexter who starts having a coughing fit. "Haven, a fashion show contains a lot of people. And I mean a lot of people. All eyes will be on you." She looks at me, "You told me to get out of my shell."

I rub my face, "I know I said that, but this is a big step. You're not doing this." She shakes her head and crosses her arms, "I want to, I'm getting out of my shell." We stare at each other for a whole minute, "Fine, we'll do the fashion show." Brit jumps in my arms and hugs me, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!"

She kisses my cheek, "Glenn needs to learn how to say no? Don't you think you need to learn how to say no yourself?" Kylie asks with a cheeky grin on her face, I give her the finger and she winks at me. "When do we practice?" Brit stands up and clears her throat, "Tomorrow morning. Be at the warehouse by nine."

She makes her a plate and sits down beside Dexter. I can't believe Haven wants to do this. "Niall, you look stressed. Is Haven wanting to do the fashion show really that bad?" I look up from my food and see Ty looking at me with amusement all over his face, "Let's not talk about this. I'm going to eat outside." I pick up my plate and walk outside.

I sit down on my hammock and look up at the sky. I hear the door slide open, "Haven, let me sit out here by myself for a little bit. I'll come back in soon."

"We're not Haven." I look away from the sky and see Jay, Ty, and Dexter smiling at me. "We understand why you don't want Haven to do this fashion show." Ty says after a few seconds of silence, "You don't want him to find her." I groan and rub my face, "That's not just it. If he finds her he's going to take her, if he takes her, who knows what he might do to her. I don't know how I would even react. I promised her that she would never go back to that place, but I'm getting really worried that I can't keep that promise."

Dexter sits beside me and sigh, "He's not going to touch her. He's a dumbass if he does. You have a whole team who wouldn't mind beating this man or even killing him. So, just stop worrying and teach Haven some more things." I slowly nod my head, "Did Haven not want to come and see me?"

Jay shakes his head, "Yeah, she wanted to come out here as soon as you closed the door, but we stopped her and told her we will talk to you." I let out a low chuckle, "That's one thing that's not going to change about her. She's always going to worry about me no matter what."

We walk back in the house and sit down. Haven looks at me with a worried look, "Y'all want to watch a few movies tonight?" Adam stands up, "Let's watch scary movies all night!!" Adam runs to the living room, "Go to the movie room. It's past the game room."

"You have a movie and a game room! How rich are you?!" He walks down the hall and seconds later we hear him scream, "You have an indoor pool!! What the hell?! Clare, we're moving here!!" I look at Haven, "Go ahead and take your shower."

She stands up and walks toward the stairs. Bean and Rafiki follow after her. "Y'all can sleep over if you want. I have a van that we can take tomorrow." I put the food up and take some ice cream out for me and Haven. I take out some other snacks just in case they would want something else.

"Take y'all showers and meet in the movie room." I walk upstairs to my room and take a ten-minute shower. As I'm walking downstairs, I hear laughing from Haven's room. "She's not downstairs yet?" I walk in her room and hear her laughing from the bathroom.

I peek through the door and see Haven giving Bean and Rafiki a bath. She has on one of my shirts and her hair is dripping wet. I smile at the scene in front of me. Rafiki is swimming in the water and Bean is splashing everywhere. Haven starts laughing and I pull my phone out to record her.

"I don't know how to put your diaper on." She picks Bean up and dries her off. I open the door and she looks up at me, "Need help?" She nods her head, "I don't know how to change his diaper." Rafiki runs up to me and I hold my finger up, "No, you're wet. Go get your towel and diaper." He runs off and comes back a minute later. I dry him off and put a fresh diaper on him.

He climbs on my shoulders and I look at Haven. "You didn't tell me you were going to give them a bath." She picks Bean up, "Rafiki, didn't smell good." I laugh as we walk downstairs to the kitchen. I make us a bowl of ice cream and we walk to the movie room.

"What took y'all so long?" Adam asks as we walk in, "Haven was giving Bean and Rafiki a bath. Did y'all go to the store to get clothes?" He shakes his head, "We went home real quick, you don't live that far from us." I turn the screen on, "Go ahead and pick a movie."

Adam walks over to the shelf and I sit down. Jay and Ty walk in with snacks and drinks, "Dex and Brit just left. Brit said don't be late." Ty hands me the popcorn and two drinks. The girls come in with a blanket. "I just put in the newest Insidious movie." I look at Haven and see that she is looking at her ice cream.

"What's wrong?" She slowly looks up at me, "I want to sit in between your legs." I laugh and open my arms, "You didn't have to be scared to ask me." She sits in between my legs and I throw the blankets over us and wrap my arms around her. She laughs as I blow in her ear, "Ahh! That tickles and it's cold!"

The movie starts playing suspenseful music. Kylie shushes us and we all turn to the screen.

The first jump scare happens and Haven covers her eyes. Jay gets under the covers and Adam laughs, "I almost split my drink." Haven pulls the covers back down and Rafiki gets under our blanket and covers his ears.

An hour later I feel something wet hit my arm. I look at Haven and see a tear sliding down her face. "Me and Haven are going to call it a night. She's already asleep." They all nod their heads, "Wait, don't leave me!" I pick Haven up and look at Jay, "You are a grown ass man. Get over it."

I walk out and carry Haven to her room. "I don't like scary movies." I let out a soft laugh as she wipes her face, "Well, I know that now." She takes her shorts off and gets under the blanket. I sit by her feet and look at her. "Why can't we go to the beach?" I fall back on the bed, "Because we can't. It's too dangerous."

She crosses her arms and pout, "We always go places you want to go. I want to go to the beach." I shake my head and she kicks me in the side, I sit up and look at her with wide eyes, "Did you just kick me?!" I pull her by her left ankle and she screams. She covers her face and I let out a low chuckle, "I'm not going to hit you." She peeks through her fingers. "I'm sorry if I made you mad."

I lay down beside her, "I'm not mad. How about we make a promise?" She hugs her body pillow, "Promise?" I nod my head, "I promise that we will go to the beach in a few months."

"Few months?" A small smile starts appearing on her lips, "Yes, a few months. So, in about three months from now, we can all go to the beach." She shakes her head, "Just us." I arch my eyebrow, "Me, you, Bean, and Rafiki. Just us." I smile at her as she hides her face in her pillow, "Okay, it can just be us."

I look at the time and sigh, "I'm going to go back downstairs with the others. Do you want me to stay with you?" She shakes her head, "Go back." She crawls back to the head of the bed and lay down. She turns her back to me as I stand up. "Night Haven."

I walk back downstairs to the movie room, "I thought you were calling it a night." Rylee asks as I sit down beside her, "Haven was scared of the movie so I just took her upstairs to bed. I asked her if she wanted me to stay with her, she said no."

"You still worry about tomorrow?" I shrug my shoulders, "I am just a little, but I'll just have to make sure she's with me the entire time."

Two hours later we all decided to go to bed. I head up to Haven room to check up on her. I open the door and see her chest moving up and down from her breathing. Rafiki sticks his head up and I quickly put my finger over my lips. He does the same and I motion him to come to me with my left index finger.

He jumps off the bed and runs towards me. He climbs up my leg and sits on my shoulder. I walk to my room and Rafiki rubs his stomach, "You want a snack?" He nods his head and I dig in my nightstand beside my bed. I pull out two cookies and he takes them from me.

I rub his head as I lay down, "Let's see what tomorrow holds for us."

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