The Troubled Siblings.

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Haru Above

One Year Ago

"So now what do we do?" Niall looks at his dad with so many emotions on his face. "Let's start packing and head to Cuba. I already brought a house for you and your team."

Niall slowly stands up off the floor. As he looks around he notices a piece of paper on the floor. He picks up and the note reads.

Wait one year before you come and save Haven. You will understand all of this after a year.

Niall puts the paper in his pocket and punches the wall multiple times. "Ahh!!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! Why?!" Niall screams out in anger and other emotions. Adam comes running in to calm him down, "Niall, calm down! We'll find her and get her back!"

Niall pushes Adam off of him, "Do you know what's Haven feeling?! She's scared, I know she's scared. As of right now, Haven thinks we're all dead. She's already been through enough. When will she get a break? When will she get to be happy?" Niall falls to the floor runs his bloody hands through his hair.

Adam sits down beside him, "All we need to do is focus on getting Haven back. Nothing else matters." Niall decides to pull out the note and show Adam. "Hana left us a  note."

Adam reads the note and stands up, "We'll listen to what our team leader wants to do. Let's start packing."


"Your dad already set up for us." Jay says as he looks around their new home. "Get some rest, we can start tomorrow." They all go off to their new rooms.

Niall walks into his room and hears some shuffling noise. "Come out if you don't want me to find and hurt you." The closet door slowly opens and out comes a young boy, "What are you doing here? Go back to your family."

The boy shakes his head and Niall arches his eyebrow at the boy, "You don't have any family, do you?" He shakes his head and Niall lets out a long sigh, "Go take a bath, I'll have some clothes out for you when you come out."

"Y-You're not going to send me away?" The boy asks with a heavy accent, "That question reminds me of someone. No, I'm not going to send you away. You can stay. What's your name?"

"Luca." Luca goes back in the closet and comes back out with a dark green bandana, "Thank you for letting me stay. You can have this." He hands Niall the bandana and runs to the bathroom.

Niall POV and present time

I see water fill her eyes, "H-How did you know?" I sit down on the bed, "You gave yourself away. When my dad came to save Haven you told him to keep her safe." She shrugs her shoulders, "There's no way that just gave me away."

"A year ago when you shot us right before I passed out I saw how you looked at me. I saw sympathy, you looked at Haven with so much worry in your eyes. I knew something was up the minute you kept saying you helped me."

She clears her throat, "So what? You know me and Haven are sisters. What now?" Luca sits beside me as I look up at the ceiling, "That's not the only family member William has under his wing. You have a brother whose name is Haru. Your brother is the undefeated hacker that William keeps by his side." Hana breathing gets sharper as I go on, "Not only are you hurting your younger sister, you're also hurting your younger brother. Haven is 22 years old and Haru is 23. You being the oldest at the age of 28."

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