Fucking Japan!

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Niall POV

"Haven, come here." She shakes her head and tries to silence her cries. "Why?" Without thinking I had kicked everybody out. I got angry at the fact that Haven wanted Jay to comfort her. I walk from behind my desk and she runs to the furthest place in my office, which is the opposite right corner.

"Haven, stop crying." I stand in front of my desk and watch as she hugs herself. "Why did you start crying?" Bean and Rafiki go over towards Haven. Rafiki tries to wipe her tears away. I move a couple steps forward, "Haven, please tell me." She shakes her head, "I-I w-want J-Jay." I shake my head, her wanting Jay for the past few hours has been hurting me. I don't like when she wants comfort from somebody that's not me.

My mind was going crazy when they were in the car for a whole hour. "Can you please talk to me?" Although she's showing me this emotion, I don't like it when she's crying, it really just breaks my heart. "I-I don't w-want anybody e-else. You said you won't get rid of me, but you don't want me around forever."

I slowly walk towards her and she shakes her head, "Please, just let me sit in front of you." She slowly nods her head and I sit down. "I'm sorry if I'd hurt you. I don't like seeing you cry, because it breaks my heart." She looks up and sniffs, "Breaks your heart? Does it hurt?" I show her a small smile, "Yeah, it does."

With what I'm about to say, I feel like I already know the reason why I'm saying this. "Haven, I didn't mean to hurt you. If you want to be with me forever then you can be with me forever." She shakes her head, "You don't want to. You're just saying that to make me feel better."

I quickly shake my head and reach over to wipe her face, "No, I'm saying this because I want you to stay with me." I stand up and pick her up bridal style and carry her to the couch. I sit down with her on my lap. I wipe her face and she hiccups, "I'm not saying anything to make you feel better. I'm saying this because I want you to stay with me."

I grab a tissue and wipe her running nose. "Can you stay with me?" She hiccups and slowly nod, "Yes, I... hiccup... want to... hiccup... stay with... hiccup... you." I let out a soft laugh as I hug her, "Can you hug me back?"

She wraps her arms around my neck and sniffle. I kiss her forehead and her eyes widen. She touches her forehead and I throw my head back and laugh, "Why are you so shock?" She shrugs her shoulders, "You never kissed me before. Why?"

I look up at the ceiling and then start kissing her on her cheeks, her nose, her ears, her chin, and her temples. "Ah!! Hahah!" She squeals and laughs as I attack her with kisses, "And now I kiss you every time." I kiss her eyes and cheek, "And I kissed your tears away."

I look at the clock, we've been in here for an hour. "Do you wanna go home and watch movies? Or do you want to stay here and help me work."

"Stay here and work. Movies later." All of a sudden we hear someone sneeze. Haven stands up and opens the door. Jay and everybody else falls to the floor. Haven walks in front of Jay and bends down, "You okay?" Jay laughs and nods his head, "Yeah, we were just chilling." I roll my eyes, "I'm going to let y'all slide. Jay, I want to talk to you alone outside, with nobody eavesdropping." I say the last part while looking at their suspicions faces.

"Can I come?" I look over at Haven, "No, stay here with everybody. I'll be back." Me and Jay walk out, "Am I in trouble?"


"What were you and Haven talking about in the car?" He leans against the wall across from me, "Did she say anything about it?" He shakes his head, "No, I just want to know."

I'm not going to tell him, I want him to figure it out on his own. "I can't tell you, it's only between me and Haven." I see different types of emotions run through his eyes. "No matter how hard I push you, you're not going to tell me, are you?" I let out a long sigh, "You'll know sooner or later."

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