Chapter Three

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I woke up by a faint scream. My eyes fluttered open in urgency when I heard it. It was a kid's voice. It was really faint at first and I thought that I had been hallucinating, but I didn't. It might seemed that I had gone crazy, in which I probably am, but I do really hear the scream. Not only that, even giggles and many other voices.

"Huh..?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyelids slowly. I could feel my hand trembling.

I don't remember the last time I had eaten. It probably had been days since I was kidnapped, who knows, since I was placed in some kind of a chamber. Or Raphael's room. I could only thanked that he didn't put up the blindfold since the man ripped it off of me.

Slowly, I put one of my foot in the ground. The cement was cold to my bare foot as I tried to get up from the bed.


Where are my shoes?

Wait a minute, the ropes?

I quickly flipped my head to my surrounding, trying to find the existence of the ropes that held my limbs before.

Did it fall off?

I looked around, and yet found none.

Then I looked at Raphael's bed.

He's gone.

And then suddenly it dawned on me.

I need to escape.

I dashed to where that man had come from before.

When I come closer, I was met with a metal door. I tried to push the door and yet it doesn't even budge, let alone making sounds as it met with my weak body. The metal was too thick. Too thick that even when I tried to knocked it, the voice won't echoed like usually metal does.

My legs buckled as I fell down to the ground. I could feel my breath ragged even with the simplest task like trying to open the door. I realize that I was too weak. The fact that my fingers shook tremendously was already proving my point.

I tried to stand up again once more by leaning to the wall. I couldn't. At least not properly without finding black spots in my vision.

I don't know what I am doing exactly. My mind screams to run, but my legs bringing me to the bed. I could feel my vision getting darken, and darken.

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