Chapter Twelve

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No. No. No. No.

"No! NO!!!" I screamed. "NO!"

"Fuck you! Fuck you Rick!"

I cried, damning that it was him all along. Fuck this. Fuck. Fuck.

Rick took a slow stride, I could see his expression visibly darkens at my words.

"Do not talk to me like that, Harriet." He spoke as he took another step.

"No! Stay away from me."

But he did not, of course.

"Harriet. Stop screaming this instant."

Another step.

"Stay away," I gasped in the middle of my tears. "I SAID STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU MONSTER!"


He smashed over my tray of plates, scattering all the utensils and shattering the glass all over the ground.

The tray clattered loudly as it hits the cement ground.

I jumped in my place and closed my eyes as the glass flung everywhere, hoping it didn't catch me.

It didn't.

But it doesn't mean I was able to escape Rick also.

Fear suddenly run into full motion in my veins.

We were both silent now. But all I could hear was my loud heartbeat over the quietness of the room.

I could see in the corner, Raphael whimpering away.

His fear mimicked mine as I, too, tried to lean as far as I could from him.

His breathing was ragged as he was trying to control his anger while I was sobbing pitifuly in my bed, tied up to the metal case tightly like a rag doll.

"No.. this.. this could not be happening.." I mumbled seemingly unfocused on who I was talking to. "This couldn't happen... Isn't.. Isn't there's someone one out there?"

"Please, I beg you.."

I began to sob, feeling all my energy suddenly drained with the realization.

Rick didn't said anything. His cold eyes stare back at me in unreadable expression.

Silence engulves the three of us.

I didn't dare to raise my head to meet his gaze. I look down to my lap, letting the tears flow, damping the fabric of my thigh.

"Harriet." He finally spoke.

His voice is calm and cold that I shivered.

"Let's teach you a lesson."

In an instant, looked up to him meeting his golden brown eyes that was eerily empty. I couldn't figured out what he was thinking, but it would be the least of my problems.

In an instant, Rick unbuckled his belt and I could feel all my blood drains from my face.

My fingers shook so hard that I couldn't open my mouth and say anything.

Anything. Please. Open my mouth. Just.. beg. He'll probably forgive you..

"Rick, I-I'm.."


I screamed.
The pain was unbearable I feel like my thigh splits open.

I was shocked. Scared. And all of my emotions are mixing together. I was angry and relieved at the same time.

I had thought the worst whenever Rick unbuckled his belt. But then again being whipped isn't a good situation either. It was hurting more than I had expected.

Tears streams down my cheeks as I tried to look at my poor thigh. I had thought it would be bleeding right now, considering how much it hurts.

It didn't. It probably doesn't even leave scars. Just a red slash of the belt. But oh god, how it burns so much.

I feel like the pain seeped to my bones that it shook tremendously. I gasped out loud the second crack meet my leg.

It hurts. It hurts.

But above all, I am scared.

"Why..." I gasped between the pain.

"Your eyes.."

"I-it's brown..."

And then it all turns black.

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