Chapter Eleven

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I feel like shit when I woke up. My head buzzed, and my ear thumps loudly. I thought I had gone crazy because of the headache I'm having right now.

But after a few minutes passed, I had realized the knocking and thumping sound came from the outside. I could hear the drilling sounds and some other things that I couldn't really pointed out from here, but it seems like someone is working out there.

I took a glance at Raphael who was seated in his bed. He seemed slightly uncomfortable too with the sounds but decided to keep silent about it.

And then it had just dawned on me, that the fact this is probably the closest that I could get with another human being since I had been kidnapped. They probably working on Raphael's artificial habitat (or so I called it) considering that Raphael was brought inside to the den.

I sucked in a deep breath, before opening my mouth wide.

"Help!" I screamed.

"Help me! Someone please help me! I'm inside the lion's den!"

I was aware that I may sound stupid, but I couldn't care for the fact that the other person outside need to be able to locate me.

"I've been kidnapped and been here for the past few days! Someone please let me out!" I screamed again.

After a couple of more tries, I took a deep breath, realizing that my effort seemed to go to waste. They couldn't hear me considering the fact that I was too deep into the bunker so the voice won't travel far. Not to mention that the construction working that they're doing outside just drowns every bit of my voice.

So I proceed to shut up mouth and wait for the best moment. Usually there would a time that those people would take a small break, and that would be my chance. I'd better save it for then, I really couldn't afford my throat hurting too much before any of them hearing me out.

Minutes passed, or even hours, I don't know since there wasn't anything that could indicate the time inside the bunker. I was getting sleepy and bored waiting for them. Although my headache seems to subsides a little bit as I get used to the construction's sounds.

In the mean time, I watched Raphael's sleeping body. His back slowly rising and falling. I could feel my arms getting tired and hurting a lot. It had gone numb for a few times, but I gritted my teeth to it. Calm down, soon enough you'll be out of here.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down all the while shoving out all the horrifiying scenarios my mind had made up. Focus, Harriet.

Turns out, a few minutes later I fell asleep. Good job.

And once again, I woke up feeling horrible and annoyed at myself.

I look around, finding that Raphael was still asleep in his corner, only to realize that the thumping and drilling sound was gone.

The moment it registered in my head, I panicked. Had it stopped for a long time? Did the construction worker gone already??

I screamed. Jolting out Raphael awake. He roars at my sudden hysterical screaming. I was scared. I was scared to the point that my bones shivering in fear.

Please let it there be someone out there. Please don't let them go away yet.

"No, no, no! Help me! Please help me!"

"Oh god.. Somebody please answer me! Please! Please, answer me, let me know there is someone out there!"

I didn't realize that tears had drenched my cheek. I was trembling in fear to the point I couldn't care that Raphael seemed to be annoyed by me.

"Someone help me!"

I screamed on the top of my lungs. It was so high-pitched to the point that Raphael roars so loud it echoes and bare his canine at me.

I didn't care. I was desperate as I slumped in my place, straining my arms in a painful angle but gritted to it.

Tears were blurring my vision as I choked on them.

I kept crying and crying not realizing the footsteps that are coming closer to the bunker.

Only when Raphael perks up to the sound of the keys that I become aware of this person

"Help," I choked, "Somebody help me!"

I was happy that someone was finally heard my plea. Relieved was evident in my face, but I shouldn't have been so stupid. I should've seen that Raphael moved out from his place and cowering away in the corner of his bed. The Raphael is whimpering.

And yet, I was too relieved to see that.

I had thought, someone would help me and I would go back to my normal life.

Although it won't be the best end, it's still better than be trapped here with a lion.

I was too oblivious. Too ignorant with all the hints. I never believed in omens nor I had know them before.

The moment the door opens, as I my hopes getting lifted.

The moment the figure walks in..

Is the moment my blood went cold.

I sat frozen in my place. As my eyes met with a pair of cold brown eyes.

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