Chapter Ten

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After a few days, it had become a habit of mine to stroke and brush Raphael's mane whenever I got bored.

Sure, that Rick had provided me a few books to read in my free time, which is all the time, but after awhile, I got a headache reading under this dim lights.

So far Raphael had acted good and never tried to harm me. He only growled whenever I accidently hurt him while brushing too hard or tugging at the wrong place.

Rick didn't seem to mind that I had grow fond of this lion. Instead he seemed proud that I took a liking towards him. I could see his eyes glisten whenever he came in with Raphael after working all day long and I was eager for their arrival with the brush in my hand.

Days had passed with me being occupied with Raphael.

It had made me forgot that the fact we were both a prisoner here. I was enjoying spending time with Raphael too much that I had forgotten about all of this.

I was in good mood until one day, somehow Rick came down alone to the bunker.

His face was hard, and his expression was tense. I couldn't figured out what had bother him, but I could sense he wasn't in his best mood.

He had walked briskly towards my bed, and now that I could see him up close, he was angry. Fuming even.

I gulped, scooting farther from him. But before I had done so, he shoved me a water bottle in my hands.

"Drink." He commands.

I wanted to replied back but he was just staring daggers at me, making me shut the fuck up and do as he says.

All the while I was drinking, he was observing me. I almost choke a few times because of the awkward feeling of being watched intently while drinking.

He kept watching me until I finish every last drop of the water bottle. I don't know whether it's because of a person watching me but the water taste different.

"Rick?" I asked, wiping the droplets that had fall from my lips.

I could see his eyes darken for a moment before he snatch the water bottle, crumpling it.

"Go to the toilet now while you had the chance, Harriet." He spoke.

"What?" I replied, confused at his words.

"Don't make me repeat myself," His gaze turned into slits, as I could feel him getting annoyed. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

He walked out the door, not forgetting to lock it out.

I was frozen for a few seconds before walking to the toilet and do my business. Doing exactly what he told because I don't to receive any of his punishments, even more when he wasn't in his best mood.

I washed my hands in the sink, before sitting back on the bed in the same position as before. I waited for him, afraid to do something that makes him even more angrier.

A couple minutes later, Rick came back in. But what surprises me that Raphael comes in with him too despite that it was still working time for Raphael.

Did something happened outside?

I stood up, walking closer to both of them. Rick glances at me before he dragged me to bed.

"Did something happen?" I asked. He didn't reply so I took a glance at Raphael, trying to find anything wrong with him. But fortunately he looks fine. Nothing out of order.

"Rick, what is it? What had happened?" I grabbed at his arms, making him stop in his track. "Tell me what's wrong."

His gaze softens a bit at my words, but suddenly harden once again.

"I don't have time to waste, Harriet. Don't make this difficult."

I feel a sharp pain at his words. I didn't know why I had to feel that way but I shook it off. Instead, I just went back to my bed on my own while he was rummaging at something inside his backpack.

I waited, playing with my feet that dangles in the edge of the bed.

Soon enough, a familiar boot claded feet appeared in my vision. I look up, but my gaze stopped at what he was holding.


I shoot up, avoiding his hands as he reached out for my body. My eyes widen in stress for the thing what he was going to do with me.

My mouth opened and closed, wanting to say something but nothing came out. I was in state of shock of what he would do.

Instead of feeling guilty or having any other expression that could clear up my confusion, he just clicked his tongue in annoyance. The moment he did that, I understand he's serious. He wasn't joking around, and most of all he was angry.

Cold sweats ran down my body as I tried to ran for the metal door. But before I got to even touch the metal door, I was lifted, a strong arm encircled my waist.

I thrashed, cursed, threw fists at his arm. He didn't even flinched as he keep dragging my body towards the bed.

"Stop it! No! Leave me alone!" I screamed, over and over.

I didn't realize I was crying until the moment he put me down on the bed and forcefully tied my wrist on the metal case of my bed.

"I'm sorry," He spoke.

I was still furious at him and yet all I wanted to do was cry until my heart stop beating.

I want to scream, to spat, to curse him but somehow all my energy seemed to left out from my body.

"It'll be alright, Harriet." He said after finished tying me.

He caress my face gently, contrasting to the ropes he had put on me so tightly that it seemed to burn.

"Just get some rest and it'll be over in no time, okay?"

I nodded, feeling my eyelids become more heavier as each second passes.

"Then, be a good girl for me, will you?"

I nodded again, unable to comprehend what he was saying.

He kissed my forehead and tucked my hair behind my ears before I lost my consciousness.

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