Chapter Seven

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"You've washed your hair?"

I nodded, as he walked into the room, bringing me a tray of food. He was wearing a fresh set of clothes, as he abandoned the cursed grey uniform.

Raphael was already fast asleep the moment I finished my shower. Thank goodness since I don't think I could stay calmly in the same room as him without freaking out.

"I hope you don't mind me using the shampoo that was in the bag."

I hang my head low, letting the droplet of water fall to the bedsheets.

"Of course not, I buy it all for you anyway."

I just hummed a reply. I feel tired. My head hurts from all of the absurd things that happened.

"Do you need anything else that wasn't in the bag?" He said, sitting down next to me on the edge of the bed.

He gave me the food tray as he let me eat. I just stare lifelessly on the tray in my lap.

The bag that he gave me consist quite a lot of things; towel, change of clothes, toilettries, comb, etc. It was daily necessities.

"No, it was fine." I croaked, silent for a moment as I could feel his gaze boring through my skull. "And also... thank you for bringing me the bag.."

I whispered the last words, almost choking at it. All I could taste was tears in my tongue as I thanked him. I feel disgusted thanking him. He doesn't deserve it, not after he kidnapped me.

After a few seconds of not meeting his eyes, his fingers found my chin as he tilted my head up, forcefuly meeting his grey eyes. It was sparkling.

"You're welcome, Harriet." He smiled.

I could feel my heart clenched as I bit my lips. What the fuck is wrong with me? Get a hang of yourself, dumbass.

I shove the food down my throat, trying to ignore the crazy things in my mind.

Yes, he is handsome, but he's your fucking kidnapper, asshole.

I could hear Rick chuckled at me seemingly amused at somehing that I couldn't comprehend.

"You seemed to be acting really well today, Darling."

His words made me snapped at my trance as hatred began bubbling inside.

"And you seemed to be in a good mood today, despite your usual ugly-mood swings." I retorted before I could stop myself.

The instant my brain processed what I had said, I quickly covered my mouth, eyes wide in shock. He'll punish me for talking back like this.

I look at him in horror of what awaiting me, but instead, I was met with an arched brow. That damned bitch even had the tendency to smirk at me, guessing that he sensed my fear.

"What?" He spoke. Expression clearly amused. "Are you expecting something?"

"Uh, n-no.. I mean.." I flustered.

"You mean?"

"W-Well, I thought you're going to punish me since you've been threatening me a lot.." stop stuttering, stupid.

His smirked and his hands shoot up. I instinctly tried to protect myself, afraid that he might hurt me, but instead his palms met my cheeks.

I flinched at the sudden touch, his hands were colder than usual.

"No, I won't," he smiled. "I'm not going to punish you as long as you'd be a good girl, alright?"

His thumb makes small circles to my skin, giving me goosebumps.

"So don't worry, okay? Don't be afraid."

I stay silent. I didn't know what he expect me to answer. How could I not be worried if I was practically kidnapped and imprisoned in a lion's den? Not to mention that he was absolutely out of his mind, claiming me as the girl he loves.

He's crazy.

But I guess I'm also crazy here, being buddy-buddy with him, making conversation here and there.

But well, who could blame me? I don't want to be Raphael's next meal.

It's fucking pathetic, but I don't know what I should do in this situation other than try to obey the rules until Rick trust me more. After that, it's just waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"Harriet, I said before that I don't like repeating myself." he sighed.

I clenched my fist, trying to control my anger.

"Well, it's because I don't know what to reply to your words," I speak truthfuly. "You expected me to live in a lion's den without being afraid? How on earth am I supposed to do that?" Not to mention the whole kidnapping thing.

We gazed at each other. His eyes boring into mine. It was so intense that I strongly feel the urge to look away from him, but I didn't. He need to know that I'm not a pushover. I need to stand on my ground.

"Raphael won't hurt you." He finally say after what it seemed like years had past. I mentally relieved when he broke his gaze to glance at Raphael who was sleeping in his own bed, snoring softly.

"I was the one who trained him. I know what I'm doing." His eyes found mine again and we are back to the staring contest.

"He's a lion."

"He won't hurt you," he repeated.

His eyes roamed my face, recognizing the fact that I didn't believe his words.

Rick finally let go of his hands that keep holding my cheeks and sighed.

"I promise that Raphael wouldn't even scratch you." He said with finality.

His gaze was firm and full of confidence like he was fully in control towards the king of jungle.

I couldn't utter a single words from my mouth. He was too intimidating and dominant that I couldn't even retort back at him.

So I did what I could only do in that situation.

I nodded.

His expression softens after seeing my reply.

After that, he let me eat my meal all the while he was watching me closely.

He was sitting to close for my comfort. I could even feel his body heat from the close proximity.

I wonder why he always seemed so warm. Not the personality, of course.

I tried to distract myself, trying not to focus on the creep beside me and instead to the king of jungle that is peacefully sleeping in his corner. His back slowly rising and falling.

I realize that the past few days I had been here, Raphael never did touch me. He spent most of his time outside the den, being on a show in a caged artificial habitat.

I realize that we are actually not that different.

We're both caged here.

We're both here staying out of our own will.

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