Chapter 5 (edited)

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"What do you want?" He asked as if there should be no reason for me being in here.

"I-um- what was that bang?" I asked looking away from him. I wonder if he remembers me, it doesn't seem like he does.

"I can't find my remote so I threw my phone at the light switch to turn it on." He motioned to the switch on the wall to my left. I looked down to find what looked like a brand new iPhone with a slim matte black case.

"So you just threw your phone? Why didn't you just use it to call the house phone so I could come? It could have broken." He just shrugged as if it was no big deal at all.

"I didn't want you to come and it has a case on it." He said matter of factly. "So if you could just place it back on my nightstand and get the fuck out that would be great."

He went back to reading his book without another word. After looking at him for a moment longer I bent down to pick up the phone. On my way to put it down on the night stand I found the remote slightly under his bed.

After setting both down within his reach I again exited without a word.


Now upstairs I couldn't stop panicking. I can't believe the boy downstairs isn't just any guy.

He's freaking ROSATI KING! The most popular "bad boy" jock in this town!

I'm still confused about this whole situation. With questions running through my head after leaving his room I jumped right into his files to find answers. After twenty minutes of searching all the folders I only got one answer.

Luckily the first folder I looked through was the appointment book. It had all his personal information. Under the headline Identification, was his name, R. James King-Taylor.

So if James is his middle name why does his mom only refer to him as such? Well I guess that's not too weird considering a lot of people go by their middle name.

However, wouldn't important papers like his medical records use his first name? After looking through every single paper anytime his name came up it just said James Taylor, his middle name and second last name.

Chloe's last name is Taylor so obviously King would be his dad. I know for a fact that they're divorced since she's about to get married.

Now on to my next question, what the hell happened?

The last anyone has heard of him was junior year. After winning the homecoming football game he and his teammates headed to his house to celebrate. What started out as just a team bonding over pizza and beer turned into the biggest party of our high school career.

Apparently, his mom and now future stepdad, Dave, came home early and shut the whole thing down, but by that time he was completely wasted. A few of the party goers who were still slowly making their way out saw the start of an argument between him and Dave.

After that it's unclear of what went down. Many say his mom kicked him out after he tried to punch Dave in the face and that he made it all the way to New York. Others say Dave convinced Chloe on sending him to military school for all the reckless partying he had done.

No one had even come close to guessing he was in an accident of some sort and ended up in a wheelchair.


Sitting on one of the chairs near the window in my room I lost track of time. I was completely lost in trying to figure everything out.

A phone ringing is what had finally pulled me back in. I looked around the room trying to find it and ended up in the office.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Come." Was the only thing that came through the phone before it was hung up.

Okay breathe. Like I said before he's just a person who needs your care. No big deal he's just a regular guy.

Except he's not just a regular guy.

He doesn't even remember you, I'm sure he doesn't remember that night either.

Reaching his door I lightly knocked then entered after I hearing his "come in."

"What can I do for you?" He was on his phone now, his book closed next to him on the bed. I stayed by the door.

"I'm hungry." He said without looking up.

"Oh okay, your mom said something about there being ingredients to make sandwiches,spaghetti, or fri..."

"No, IN-N-OUT should be good." He cut me off for the second time today.

"Okay, um, well your mom still hasn't given me the house custodial card and I don't really have any mone..." with a loud sigh he cut me off, again.

He turned to reach into the drawer in his night stand and pulled out a black leather wallet. Once he was facing me again he tossed, no more like chucked, it at me and it landed right in front of my feet.

"Credit card, debit card, cash, whatever just bring me a double double combo and a vanilla milk shake. Get yourself whatever."

I grabbed the wallet and left without waiting for any further instructions because I already knew I wasn't getting any.

Entering the garage I was heading straight to my car, that was before I saw the grey Toyota Corolla parked right next to it. Looking at the keys in my hand I saw the key to it next to my house key. I looked around me to make sure no one was watching before I clicked the unlock button on the FOB. Watching the lights blink as it came to life gave me some sort of rush.

As I waited for it to warm up a bit I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and opened Spotify.

With Beautiful by Bazzi playing around me I made my way to get some burgers.

Bad boy in a wheelchairWhere stories live. Discover now