Chapter 27

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Shortly after they joined us we split up again. This time the boys went to swim and Lili and I went to the bathroom so that I could change into my bathing suit.

"So can I ask you a huuuge favor?" She asked from outside my stall where she was waiting for me.

"Yeah of course." I called back out as I tied the strings of my top.

"Is there any chance you and Rose could not be in the room tonight?" She sheepishly replied. Oh no, I know exactly what she is trying to say.

"Do you really think your brother would be okay with leaving you guys in a hotel suite alone?" I said shoving my clothes into my backpack.

"Well no, that's why you don't tell him we're going to be alone and just distract him for a while. Skate already  said he's going to be out around nine."  When I walked out of the stall I saw her pleading eyes and I caved.

"Fiine, I'll try my best but I can't promise you anything." I groaned with defeat.

"O.M.G thank you, thank you, thank you." She squeal and then squeezed her arms around me while jumping up and down. Once she finally let go she gave me a once over "You look hot."

I blushed at her comment. In my whole eighteen years of my life I had never been called hot by another girl. I looked down at my mismatched black bikini bottom and dark blue top handed down from my sisters.

"We just need to do something about your hair." She said eyeing the mess of my hair and cocking her head to one side. "Ooh I know!"

She started digging into her bag and brought out a small makeup pouch. She instructed me to stand in front of the sink facing away from the mirrors. She than tiptoed to get a hold of my hair elastic and let my still damp hair fall around me.

She took out a small foldable brush and and a travel sized hair straightener.

"You brought a hair straightener to the beach?" I asked in disbelief. Who brings a hair straightener to beach!

"Yes and I also brought my hair dryer!" She said proud of her self.

"You amaze me." I told her as she plugged in both devices. She then started brushing my hair and blow drying it as the straightener heated up.

Twenty minutes later she was packing her things away as I examined her work. She had only used the straightener to tame some of the wildness of the curls, and also braided some of the hair on the side so it wont be in my face later on.

Before exiting the bathroom again I threw on my brothers oversized tshirt since I didn't feel comfortable walking all the way back while wearing so little clothing.

When we reached our spot we found Rosati laying in the sand with his earbuds in. He was close enough to the water that when the waves came in they submerged his legs and torso, barely reaching his shoulders. I stood near him looking over at Lili join the boys who were throwing a frisbee with a group of random kids they must have befriended.

I looked down at Rosati and decided that I shouldn't leave him alone. I sat a bit further up than he was, crossed my legs and pulled out the 2nd book from the Body Finder series I bought with Rosati that day in the cafe.

Just as I started getting immersed into the world of Violet Ambrose and her morbid ability I felt someone's gaze on me.

"Pst. Hey. Nerd." I let my eyes wander off the page and found Rosati looking up at me.

"Yeah?" I said sitting up straighter ready to help with whatever he needs.  He was still laying in his back while leaning his head back to look at me and he had one ear bud off.

"Do you think you can get me in a little bit farther into the water?" He asked as he sat up all the way and took his sunglasses off.

I stood up and dusted the sand off my lap. "Okay let me go get the chair."

"No." He groaned. "Just help me up."

"Oh okay." I said standing in front of him and reaching out for his hands. With some grunting and strained faces coming from me I was able to get him standing. "Now what?"

He rolled his eyes and spun me around so my back was against his chest. He draped his arms around my shoulders and leaned most of his weight onto me. I got the hint and started walking forward. He slowly moved his legs along with mine and together we waded into the water.

The entire time I couldn't help bug think about how close we were. I mean we were literally pressed against each other. His chin was resting on top of my head and I could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he concentrated on slowly walking.

Before I even realized it the water level was around my upper torso and came up to his waist.

"Is this far enough." I grunted out of breath from basically dragging him.

"Yeah this is fine." He said letting go and getting one of the many hotel branded floaties around us. I helped him onto one and watched him get into a comfortable position

Now that I finished helping Rosati I realized I never took my tshirt off and it was now soaked and floating around me. I walked back to our spot and stripped it off, I wrung most of the water out and laid it to dry. I then quickly ran back to Rosati and watched as he floated on the surface of the ocean.

I splashed around him until I noticed a little kid jump off of another floaty from the hotel. It then made it's way around me, I waited to see if he would come reclaim it but he never did. I jumped onto and laid back watching the sky above me.

I really need to figure out how I would get Rosati out of the room later.

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