Chapter 21

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I thought he hadn't remembered that night considering he was completely wasted. This whole time working with him hadn't been a problem because I thought it was just my guilty secret.

But he knew.

He knew this whole time.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him with anger slowly bubbling up inside me.

"Wh-what do you mean?" He realized he got caught red handed.

"That first day. Why did you act as if you didn't know me, you let all this time pass without confronting me. Why now?" I stalked closer to him.

He looked up at me, his eyes flickering around my face trying to think of his next step. "I... at first I hadn't remembered. It just slowly came to me."

"Bullshit!" I threw my arms up in exasperation. "You just said you remember everyone you've slept with!"

He looked at me with a blank expression covering his face.

"Discussion over." He simply replied. I watched him in disbelief as he rolled away and towards his bedroom.

Did he really expect me to just drop the argument just because he decided this 'Discussion' was over.

It barely started!

However, for now, I did drop it. At least until my angry irrational side had calmed down.


It's been nine hours since I had spoken to Rosati.

For his noon meds I just walked in and left them on the nightstand. Luckily he was asleep. For four o'clock he came out before I could set them up and he popped them out himself.

It's now dinner time and I refuse to ask him if he's hungry. As far as I know he hadn't eaten anything, beside the breakfast I bought him. He hasn't asked for assistance to use the bathroom but he can basically do that on his own.

Thinking about it, he can do almost everything on his own.

I have seen him transfer on his own. He has changed on his own. He has showered on his own. He popped meds on his own. And he has gone to the bathroom on his own.

For someone who can do basic necessities why does he need a care aid for 13 hours a day? He technically only needs someone to take him to appointments and that's only a few times a week. If he goes.

Hey, for the amount I'm getting paid for this simple job I'm not complaining.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught something moving outside. I pushed away from the island where I was and headed outside to find that it was Lili.

"Hey. Whatcha doing?" I call out to her once I'm within earshot.

"I just wanted to come sit out by the water." She responded as she sat by the edge of the pond. She looked down at her fingertips which were softly pulling out blades of grass.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned her. I tried to get a reading off her facial expressions but she wouldn't look up.

She let out a heavy sigh before she lifted her head up and looked out at the water. "Yeah it's just that Nate and I got in an argument."

That surprised me for some reason. To me they seemed like the couple that only ever play fought or had silly arguments.

"May I ask what happened?" It must take something serious for the two of them to fight.

"Stupid Nathan and I have been planning a trip to Maui for months now and all of a sudden he thinks it's a bad idea to go out of state together. So I kept demanding he tell me why and can you guess what he told me?" Her question must have been rhetorical since she kept ranting. "He told me he was scared of Rosati. My brother! Can you believe that!"

She whipped her head to look at me for my answer once she finished her rant.

"Well yeah I guess I can." I said slowly not wanting to trigger her.

"What!?" She's triggered.

I held my hands out in defense.

"Calm down. I just think he is right because you're only 17 and going out of state alone with an older guy, who is your brother's bestfriend, might not go well with Rosati."

She looked at me with an offended face, then it slowly turned to understanding. A second later it turned to a mischievous and musing look.

"Lili, what are you thinking?" I asked with curiosity.

"What if Rosati tagged along?" She asked with a smug smirk.

I instantly started laughing at her preposterous thought.

"How are you planning on getting Rosati to agree on going to Maui?" I asked as my laughing subsided.

She pursed her lips as she thought. "Hmm you're right I won't be able to get him to come. Buut you can."

Again I laughed.

"Are you serious? I can barely get him to agree to go out of the house. What makes you think he'll agree to go to Hawaii?"

"I'm sure you'll find a way." She stood up and dusted herself off. "Thank you so much Aaliyah I owe you one!"

I watched in confusion from my spot still on the grass as she skipped back to the main house.

"Why do they always do this to me?" I asked to myself looking up at the sky for answers.

How I'm I going to get Rosati to be a third wheel on a romantic Hawaiian trip with his sister and his bestfriend? Considering he's mad at me because I'm dating his only other bestfriend I think my chances are zero.

I guess I will just have to tell Lili that because I almost slept with her brother two years ago he is mad at me for dating his bestfriend.

"Ugh!" I yelled out and laid back on the grass.


Jessica would be played by Madison beer.

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