Chapter 25

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Trying to maneuver through a thick crowd of people is always difficult. You would think that with someone being in a wheel chair others would make way for them but, no.

Rosati and I were the last ones let off the plane so we had to push past everyone to try and get to the rest of the group. When Lili passed us on her way out she told us they'll be right outside the doors. However, they were nowhere to be found.

After going to baggage claim we decided it was best to make our way to the hotel, hoping they had the same idea.

Rosati sat in silence with his music playing while I tried to get a cab. After many failed attempts I gave up and turned to him.

"Aaliyah." He said while shaking his head in disappointment. "Are you aware that it is 2019 where Lyft and Uber exist?"

"Um." Now I felt stupid.

He laughed and handed me his iPhone. I opened the application and requested a ride. As I finished up there was an incoming call.

"Who's Sebastian?" I questioned him as I handed the device back to him.

"Skate." He grumbled then answered the call. Skates real name is Sebastian? I dont know why but I laughed out loud at that. I never questioned why his name was Skate I just figured his parents wanted something unique.

Rosati raised an eyebrow at me as he talked into the phone, that's when I realized I probably looked crazy laughing at a name.

With him still on the phone our ride pulled up in front of us. I loaded in the bags and then waited for him to finish the call.

"Looks like they ditched us to go eat, apparently we took too long and Lili was on the edge of death due to hunger." He said while I assisted him up and into the car.

With the car driving away from the airport we were deciding whether to also stop and get something to eat or just wait at the hotel for them.

In the end we figured we would go straight to the hotel and order room service.

While I was helping Rosati through the roataong doors I was dumbstruck by the grandness of the hotel. The magnificent chandelier in the center of the lobby was enough to make me feels like a dirty old rock compared to the diamonds hanging off it. Now add in all the people with their designer clothes and expensive luggage and I felt out of place with my Ross hand me downs.

I lingered behind Rosati while he checked in.

Fortunately Lili just had the reservation under King so it was easy for Rosati to get the keys for the room. With in minutes we were in the elevator with the bell hop lugging our bags.

"Enjoy your stay!" She told us after she dropped off our stuff and Rosati gave her a generous tip.

"Thank you." I said with a huge smile on my face. The room turned out to actually be a suite, it had a huge common area and a stainless steal kitchen with two rooms down the hall. Right as you enter the room you face the balcony that held a gorgeous view of the ocean and the rainforest to the side of it.

"Nathan just texted and said they stopped to look at some shops in town. So we can go ahead and order some food" he said picking up the room service menu completely unphased by the view.

I mumbled back an 'okay' and continued to roam the suite. The rooms were identical, each was equipped with two king sized beds and a walk in closet and had a sliding door to the balcony. There was only one bathroom that could be entered from both rooms and the hall. I'll have to remember to lock all three doors when ever I go.

Walking back into the living room Rosati was hanging up the phone. "I ordered us some sushi, chicken strip basket, fries, and hot wings. Hope you dont mind and if you do, deal."

"Sounds good to me." I said picking up my bags. "So what are the sleeping arrangments?"

"Well you and Lili in one room, the twins in the other and I on the couch." He said

"You are not sleeping on the couch. Lili and Nathan can share a bed, I'll sleep on the other one. And then you and Skate can share the other room." I gave my suggestion and he immediately shut it down.

"Nope. No way. Not gonna happen. There is no way they are staying in the same room let alone the same bed. Are you crazy the whole reason we came was to keep them away from each other." He said looking at me as if I had gone insane.

It's cute that he's overprotective of his little sister.

"You are aware that Nathan sleeps over a lot, and they usually have like the whole house to themselves?" I asked him rhetorically.

"Yes, but I know for a fact that they dont do anything back home because Nate isn't a sex offended and wouldn't want to catch a case. However, the age of consent in Hawaii is 16!" He said getting riled up again. "So it is up to us to make sure to he keeps his hands off my sister!"

"Wow okay calm down please. It's their anniversary okay they should atleast be together. Dont worry I'll be in the room with them soni dont think they'll do anything with me right next to them." I said simultaneously with a knock on the door.

"The food is here so can we drop it so I dont lose my appetite?" He went to answer the door and shivered as if shaking the topic off of him.

After we sat down to eat we played Netflix on his laptop and waited on the others to arrive. Besides the sounds coming from the action movie he chose we finished our food in silence. Rosati ate most of the sushi and he left me the chicken strips, together we finished the wings.

Even though by the time we finished and cleaned up it was only three in the afternoon we decided to sleep off the jetlag.

A few hours later I heard them stumble in with what sounded like many shopping bags. They grumble goodnight to each other before they went to their respective beds. Lili must have had the same idea as me because she and Nathan came into the room I was in and crashed onto the other bed.

Rosati had nothing to worry about because they passed out after just a few seconds.

Now with the suite being completely quiet I let out a soft squeal. I can't believe I'm here, in Hawaii! Rosati showed me a part of his life and let me listen to his music. I'm glad to be here with this amazing group of people and even though I dont know them all that well yet i can see myself having many adventures with them.

I cant wait to see what this vacation holds for me.


Sorry this is more of a filler chapter. I already had the next few chapters written but now I want the story to go into a different direction than I had originally planned so that things dont seemed too rushed. Thank you for your patience!

Bad boy in a wheelchairOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz