Chapter 24

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The soft snores coming out of Lili from the back of the van were the only sounds that could be heard around us. Nathan sat next to her in the back row quietly scrolling through his phone. Rosati rode shot gun and had his head leaned on the window with his air pods in. Skate and I sat in the middle row awkwardly leaned as far away from each other as possible. 

He stared out at the traffic surrounding us and would occasionally check his phone. I pretended to be engrossed on a YouTube video playing on my phone.

No matter how much we tried to pretend it didn't exist, the tension around us was thick and heavy since the moment Nathan had told us he invited his brother to join us. I was prepared for an awkward week with Rosati but to have Skate added to the mix blind sided me. 

I sighed with relief once I saw the airport come into view. The second the uber driver pulled into the drop off I scrambled to get my seatbelts off and swing the door open.

I walked around to the back and got Rosati's chair and went over to help him out. He still had his head resting on the glass and seemed to have fallen asleep. I knocked on the window to try and wake him but to no avail.

For plan B I opened the passenger door fast and startled Rosati.

"Fuck you." He grumbled after he realized what happened. I gave him an innocent smile and took the backpack from his lap and hung it on the wheelchair.

"I tried to wake you up the nice way but, nice doesn't seem to work for you." I said as I guided him into the chair.

As soon as we got to the trunk Lili and Nathan started attacking some of the carry on bags on Rosatis lap. He just rolled his eyes and went along with it.

Grabbed my bag and was about to reach for my suitcase until I realized it was missing. I started to panic thinking I left it back at the house and wouldn't have any of my clothes.

"Don't worry I got it." I heard someone whisper behind me. I turned  to see Skate had my suitcase in one hand his in the other. "You need to help Rose anyways."

I smiled in gratitude and went back to Rosati who was being used as a human baggage cart.

I have never flown before or even set foot in an airport, so I tried my best to act as if I knew what I was doing. Everything was going smoothly.

Until we got to the metal detectors.

They made Rosati go to a room to do a full search. Since he can't go through the metal detector it made him a prime suspect for smuggling illegal substances. The rest of us got through pretty quickly and stood off to the side waiting for him. After an hour of small talk I realized why Lili was so adamant about getting to the airport extremely early.

Shortly after I found him rolling towards us, and he looked extremely annoyed.

"We were talking about getting some breakfast. What do you think?" Lili asked her brother once he reached us.

"I don't know, we really need to make sure we are the first to board." He responded to Lili sheepishly. He looks guilty of having to make everyone skip breakfast

"You guys go ahead and eat, we will wait at the gate." I told the group and started to walk alongside Rosati.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" He asked me while we walked away from the group.

"I ate at home before leaving." I reassured him.

He silently nodded.

We were the first at our gate so we sat closest to the entrance.

About an hour later our flight was being called and the bunch was no where to be found. We were starting to panic since they weren't picking up their phones. I told Rosati to stay put so we won't lose our spot in line while I quickly scoped the place out. I couldn't take too long because Rosati had to be the first one to board, it's a "first come first served" for seats so I need to board with him to guarantee we will sit together.

I quickly ran back over to our gate and cut the line to Rosati.

"Hey! You can't do that!" Was repeated by many in the line.

"Sorry, I'm his aid I need to be with him." I told the flight attendant who came to me and was about to escort me to the back of the line.

He looked at Rosati in the chair and then nodded his head. He then went back and started to open the doors. That's when my panic started up again. What if they miss the flight?

"All right, we're ready." The flight attendant motioned for our tickets.

We handed them over and then entered the walkway. We got to the first seat and I helped Rosati over to the window seat and folded his chair up. A stewardess then took the chair and stored it up front. I put our carry ons away and then sat down.

I scanned everyone's faces as they entered. It was getting to the last few people when finally I saw Lili enter, and a few people behind her were Nathan and Skate. The second I saw them I felt relieved and was finally able to sit back and relax into my seat.

About three hours into the flight I was bored out of my mind. I turned to look at Rosati. I could tell he wasn't sleeping but he had his eyes closed and his head leaned back while he listened to music.

So I tapped on his shoulder.

"What?" He answered with his eyes still closed.

"What ya listening to?" With out answering he handed me one of the airpods and then closed his eyes again.

Within seconds I recognized the voice as the same one I heard this morning. However, this one wasn't as raw and raspy as before. It actually sounded professionally recorded.

The lyrics still sent a slight chill.

'So, I'll drive all night through my home town
You can drive your knife through my chest now
I'ma crash my car by your old house
'Cause all I'll ever be is a letdown

It goes: da, da, da, da-da-da-da
Da, da, da, da-da-da
Da, da, da, da-da-da-da
Da, da, da, da-da-da
Every night I'm going: da, da, da, da-da-da-da
Da, da, da, da-da-da
Da, da, da, da-da-da-da
Da, da, da, da-da-da'

"Is this you?" I asked in a small voice, scared to how he would react.

His eyebrow twitched but he didn't move.

"I heard you singing this morning." I don't know why I continued. "I didnt know you could sing. I knew you played the guitar but I didn't know you also wrote songs."

By now I was rambling but it made me nervous that he wasn't moving an inch.

I continued listening but again I couldn't help but continue to ramble.

"Was it recorded on a studio? Cause' that's really cool. I really like it, it-"

"Then shut up and listen to it before I take it back." He said, abruptly ending my rant.

"Okay, sorry." I said in a whisper.

I watched how he leaned his head back and had his eyes closed. He looked so at peace and innocent. A contradiction to the image these lyrics were singing out for me.

I also closed my eyes and listened to the music for the rest of the flight. Unfortunately, that was the only song of his I was able to hear. The rest of his playlist was random bands and other artists.


Song mentioned: letdown by Nothing Nowhere.

Rosati is pronounced Rose Ah Tea

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