Chapter 7 (edited)

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Alright day two, yesterday was a good day so hopefully today goes well.

After lunch not much else happened. He pretty much slept the whole day and said he didn't want dinner.

Today he has an appointment with his therapist which should take two hours. After that I was thinking we stop by the grocery store and stock up the house since it's basically empty.

Coming in I went straight to do medicines and grabbed a bottled smoothie.

Walking into his room this time I felt more confident so I just walked in and set everything down grabbed the other dishes and walked out.

After putting those dishes in the washer I went to get my planner and started planning everything for today.

His appointment is at 1pm and according to Waze maps it takes 45 minutes to get there, but with this LA traffic it will be safer to leave an hour ahead.

He's going to need a shower, Chloe said it takes him around 30 minutes. So we should start getting ready to leave at 11am just to make sure he has enough time.

After his appointment we could get some lunch and then go to the grocery store. Chloe said she left the custodial card on the kitchen island in the main house.

The custodial card is only to be used for groceries, supplies, and food for Rosati.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 8am, I have 3 hours. I decided to clean even though there was hardly anything to clean.

Since I'm going to bring groceries I started to clean out the fridge. I put all his bottled breakfast smoothies on the top shelf and the ones that didn't fit I put them on the top shelf on the door. The fruits and vegetables in the next shelf, which only consisted of a bag of grapes and some carrots. Everything else was expired.

Once I was done with that I headed to the pantry. The pantry was big enough to be a bedroom! Just remove the shelves and you can have yourself a cozy little room.

However big it was, it was still empty. On one shelf there was a few cans of corn, some cans of soup, and tomato sauce. On another shelf you can find some pastas and under that some cake mixes.

In here I just wiped down all the shelves so they would be clean when I'm stocking it up.

It's only 9:30 so I should probably make a list.

In the middle of writing the list my cellphone rang. I didn't recognize the caller so I ignored it.

As soon as my phone stopped the house phone started ringing.


"Hurry." Again that was the only thing that was said before the caller hung up.

I put the phone down and walked to Rosati's room. I didn't even bother knocking I just walked right in.

"What is it?" I asked concerned since he wanted me to hurry I assumed something was wrong.

"Can you pass me my game controller?" He said pointing to the wall across from his bed where his tv was mounted. Under it was a small stand that had the a black game console and two black wireless controllers.

"Anything else?" I asked as I handed one to him.

"Yes, I'm going to need a bag of hot Cheetos, a monster, a bag of M&Ms, and some popcorn." He said while starting up the game.

"Um I don't think there's any of that here, I was actually just making a grocery list." I said hoping he can wait til later.

"There should be all of that back at the house. I know Chloe keeps all of that stocked for Lili." When saying the last part I noticed his jaw clenched.

"Wait who's Lili?" I've never heard that name before.

"She's my sister." He said that and looked at me. The way he said it was as if I should have already known this. Like if he was telling me the sky was blue.

"I didn't know you have a sister. How old is she?"

"Why the fuck does that matter just go get me the stuff." He was mad now so I assume she must be a sensitive subject.

I quietly nodded and headed out and grabbed the keys from my bag. I was already going to have to pass by here to grab the card so it's not completely out of my way.

Reaching the glass French doors I unlocked it and entered. It was really hot inside so I guess no one has been home all day to turn the A/C on.

Opening the pantry I found it was even bigger than the other one! It was almost twice the size and definitely filled to the brim. All around me I can find almost any snack imaginable.

There were different kinds of chips, gummy snacks, chocolates, and popcorn. In the way back was one of those drink fridges you can find in a store.

I looked around and only found family sized bags of hot Cheetos so I grabbed one. In a basket there was king sized chocolate bars, I had to dig in deep to find M&Ms.

On my way to the fridge I remembered he wanted popcorn so I looked in that section. I just grabbed a bag of Smartfood white cheddar popcorn and then finally got the energy drink.

In the fridge there were VOSS water bottles, Gatorades, sparkling water, vitamin water, and regular sodas of every flavor.

With my hands full I struggled to reach for the card but, I managed to put it in my pocket.

Back at his room, I dumped all the items onto his lap. He still seems to be mad for some reason.

"Hey so, I'm writing a grocery list for when we go later, is there anything you want me to add?" I asked hoping to get him to stop being mad.

"When we what?" He asked, still mad and with the jaw clench.

"When we go to the grocery store later. I was thinking after your therapy appointment we can stop by, since there is basically nothing to make for dinner here." I replied while sheepishly looking at the ground.

I don't understand why he's grumpy about his sister or me suggesting going to the store.

"There's no appointment today. We're not going anywhere." He said while harshly opening the bag of Hot Cheetos.

"But, today is Tuesday and you have therapy every Tuesday." I explained. Maybe he thought it was a different day and thought there was no appointment.

"I said we're not fucking going anywhere!" He yelled throwing the bag of Cheetos towards the door, making the chips fly all across the room and spread all across the floor.

I was stunned to my spot. I have never been yelled at like that before.

"I'm sorry, it's just that tod..."

"Get the fuck out now!"


He turned to look at me and growled out "Now" through his clenched teeth.

I just looked at him biting down on my tongue. I no doubt looked terrified.

I finally nodded and walked out.

Bad boy in a wheelchairحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن