chapter 20

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"Jessica?" I whisper yelled into the dark room. When I didn't hear anything I moved on to the next room.

I can't believe she ditched me, coming to this party was her idea. I told her I would come only if we stayed an hour tops and then go home. Now it's two hours later and I can't find her anywhere!

Just then I saw my other best friend Abel coming out of the bathroom.

"Abel! Have you seen Jess?" I asked him hoping he wasn't too wasted and actually be helpful.

"Nooo but king is also looking for her. Hehe are you three planning something?" He said all slurred.


"You mean Rosati King is looking for Jessica?" I had no idea Rosati King even knew anyone but himself existed. However it made sense, Jessica was gorgeous, of course the hottest guy in school would have noticed her by now.

Without answering me Abel left and headed back down stairs. I opened the door to the fourth bedroom on this floor and went inside without turning the light on. I plopped myself down on the bed and took my phone out to try and call her again.

"Who are you?" I jumped at hearing a voice coming from the now opened door to the ensuite.

"Um I'm Aaliyah, I'm looking for my friend Jessica, but I'll leave now." I quickly blurted out and rushed to leave this stranger.

"Aaliyah no, stay for a while." The boy started stumbling to the bed and I turned the light on to see who it was.

"RRosati?" I can't believe I was in Rosati's room. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there by the door watching him struggle to take his jacket off.

Once he finally got it off he tossed it on the floor and looked up at me with a lopsided smile. My cheeks burned red when his eyes started to roam my figure. When he gave out a satisfied smirk I mentally thanked Jessica for making me wear a pair of tight ripped up black skinny jeans and a tight black crop top under a leather jacket. The outfit really brought out my curves that had shown up over the summer.

He again stood up and slowly started making his way to me. The closer he got the faster my heart started beating. Once he was right in front of me I couldn't find any words to say.

Without saying anything he held my cheek and kissed me.

Rosati King was kissing me.

Rosati king was kissing me and I was just standing there too stunned to do anything. Come on aaliyah kiss him back! Listening to the voice in my head I started to move my lips against his.

His lips were soft and warm, they tasted of mint and jello shots. He started moving us towards the bed and once I felt it behind my legs my knees buckled and he fell on top of me. He disconnected from me for a millisecond before we resumed.

I could feel his hands touching me and I let me hands touch him. They subconsciously started making their way under his shirt feeling every ridge of his muscles. His hands groped my hips and my thighs and then they too went under my shirt.

Again he stopped kissing me and took off his shirt. As I watched him remove it I started to get nervous, where was this going? Oh shut up Aaliyah don't be naive, you know exactly where this is going. Before I could change my mind I took off my jacket and threw it on the side of the bed. He smirked at me before reaching to the bottom of my shirt and peeling it off of me. Without any of us saying a word we went back to making out.

With a mind of their own my fingers started fumbling with his belt. Taking that as a cue Rosati started fumbling with my bra. Before he could finish taking it off we were interrupted by the door flying open.

"Rose! Parental control!" Was all Isaac, Rosatis best friend, had said before he rushed down stairs telling everyone to leave.

"Fuck!" Rosati cursed as he got off me and yanked his tshirt on before following after Isaac.

It took a second for me to realize the fact that A, I had just been about to lose my virginity to Rosati King and B, he had ditched me in the middle of it.

I angrily put my shirt back on and got my jacket before stomping my way down stairs to find him and give him a piece of my mind.

The only word I could think of to describe the scene in front of me was, havoc. There were hundreds of drunk teenagers all running around trying to find the quickest way out. The main option, being the front door, already had many rushing out of it, others chose the back door and a few were trying to get out through the windows.

In the middle of everything were Rosati and an older couple, his parents. So that's what Isaac meant by parental control, duh. I watch as he stood there slightly swaying back and forth as the man yelled at him. Even from all the way over here I could see how pissed all three of them were.

When I was finally able to tear my eyes away from them I scanned the crowd trying to find Jessica and Abel. When I didn't see them I decided to wait for them in the car instead.

I stayed awake all night that Friday, wondering what was going to happen when I saw him at school on Monday.

Little did I know I wouldn't see or hear from him again.

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