Chapter 15

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"You're not gonna pester me about it?" Skate asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"No, why?" I asked not sure why he thought I would.

"Well most girls I know would be non-stop bothering to know what we were talking about. Especially if they were involved some how." He said looking at the floor.

"Well you made it clear you didn't want to talk about it, so I'm not going to ask about it." I told him truthfully.

With four older brothers I've learned that you can't ask guys a question more than once. If they wanted to tell you they would have told you the first time. Asking multiple times will amount to them getting angry and definitely not wanting to tell you at all.

"Hmm, you're a weird one." He said mostly to himself before he turned the TV to Netflix and played FRIENDS.

After a few episodes had passed Nathan and Lili finally came back.

"What took you guys so long?" I dramatically whined.

"Someone, wanted to go to Mr.Ming's and that's clear on the other side of town, with the lunch rush it took us twice as long to get there." Nathan said giving Lili an accusing look.

"Why didn't we just order for delivery?" I asked the thought barely coming to me.

"Yeah that would have been a no." Lili said laughing at the thought. "Mr. Ming doesn't deliver to us anymore."

"Why?" I asked her while helping her pass the containers of food.

"It was the summer of '17 the last Ming had delivered to the Taylor residents an- hey!" Nathan had started a dramatic telling of the event, looking up to the ceiling as if having a flash back. That was before Skate threw a soy sauce packet at him.

"He brought Rose the wrong order and ended up getting lo mein down his shirt. Now he refuses to give any service to him." Skate finished the story for his brother.

"Oh my gosh, why would he do that?" I asked in between laughing of disbelief.

"No one messes with me when I'm hungry." Rosati joined us and answered for himself. "Or with my food in general."

"He once broke up with someone because she would constantly eat food off his plate." Skate said. They gave each other a look and I could tell there was an unspoken apology going on between them.

"Cause Joey doesn't share food!" I joked referencing the episode of FRIENDS we had just watched.

They automatically got the joke and we all broke out laughing.

I found my people.


"I can't... it's just too much.." Nathan dramatically groaned as he took a piece of his sticky lemon chicken.

"If you're full why did you serve yourself another plate?" Lili reprimands him as if he is a child.

"It's just soooo good." He moaned with his mouth full.

We were all pretty much done eating and there were a lot of left overs. Lili said Nathan couldn't decide whether he wanted orange chicken or lemon chicken so he got a full order of both.

That gave us two extra orders of rice, since Rosati didn't eat his, and a whole bunch of chicken.

"Anyways, Aaliyah and I need to get going." Skate said standing up and clearing his mess.

"We do?" I asked also collecting my plate and Rosati's.

"Where?" Rosati asked looking kind of ticked off. 

"Out." Skate responded as he left the table and headed to the kitchen.

"You know she has a job to do right?"

"Oh chill out, you yourself said it was useless for Chloe to hire her."  Lili retorted for Skate.

"Yeah, but she's not getting paid $20 an hour to go on dates." Rosati said with his jaw clenched.

I felt really uncomfortable standing here while being the center of this argument.

"He's right. This is my job and I have responsibilities to do." I told Skate.

With out a word he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

"Uhh I guess we should get going too." Nathan said standing up and putting the left overs in the fridge. He then took Lili's hand and led her out the door.

Once Rosati and I were alone I felt really guilty. First I left this morning without his permission, and then he caught me kissing his best friend. I'm like the worst employee ever.

"I'm sorry." I began to apologize.

"I'm going to bed." Was all he said. I watched as he rolled away from the table and into his room.

I released a heavy sigh before turning around to finish cleaning the table. When I finished I headed to the kitchen and ran the dish washer.

The rest of the day went by like the first day had gone. There was nothing to do now. I still have 4 more hours to go.

I'm just going to go upstairs and try to plan this week out. Even though I know I might not be able to stick to a plan since Rosati is so unpredictable.

I scribbled out all the Physical therapy appointments I had already written down and replaced them with gym time.

He has a doctors appointment on Wednesday and I need a prescription refilled on Thursday.


I heard my phone and decided to ignore it until I finished. I went back to writing on my planner.


Ugh. I picked my phone to check it and two more messages came in. There were 5 new messages.

Sk8: I'm sorry
Sk8: don't be mad
Sk8: what time are you off work?
Sk8: I wanna take you somewhere.
Sk8: you're probably 'busy' with Rose so just text me later

Before I could respond I got an incoming call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Can you make me some Mac and Cheese?" Rosati spoke through the phone.

"Yeah of course." I answered kind of baffled that he didn't hang up before I could answer.

"Thank you." He said before hanging up.

I stood up and headed into the pantry.  Right to the left I found the 23 boxes of Mac and cheese he had requested the other day. I need to make a note to ask him why that specific number.

After boiling the pasta I added the cheese, milk, and butter. I added some more shredded cheese to make it thicker and cheesier.

"So why 23?" I asked him as soon as I walked into the room.

"Because why not?" Rosati answered as I placed the lap tray on his nightstand. I also handed him his pills.

"Haha can't argue with that." I laughed.

"Honestly I was just testing you." He said with a spoonful of macaroni in his mouth.

"Did I pass?"

"No, 'cause you bought vegetables."

Bad boy in a wheelchairDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora