Chapter 28

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The rest of the morning was spent going back and forth between laying on the sand and sunbathing to floating in the water and having a splash war with the guys. 

To my surprise, my favorite part was the transition between the two.

 The part with Rosati hanging on to me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders. Every time he spoke I would feel shivers going down my spine from his breath hitting my ear or, if he hung his head low, my neck. 

It was nearing two in the afternoon now and neither of us had thought about lunch. Right now Rosati and I were laying on our towels sunbathing, I was reading my book again and he was typing away on his phone. 

"Is that a food truck?" Lili, who had joined us and decided to spend her time people-watching said out loud. We turned to see where she was pointing and sure enough there was a small crowd gathering around a truck. At first, I thought I would see a full-sized crew van but instead, I saw it was a Ford pickup truck. Upon seeing the people leaving the group carrying their food our stomachs simultaneously growled out.   

We all gave each other knowing looks and then turned towards the guys who were playing football with another group further down the beach. 

"I'll go see if they want anything," Lili said and stood up and jogged towards them. 

"Wanna wait here or come with?" I asked Rosati who had gone back to typing on his phone. 

"I'll come with, I need to see my options," he said and sat up. I rolled the chair closer and then hoisted him up, as he flopped down and was adjusting himself I picked up our stuff. as I picked up his phone I noticed it was unlocked and displayed his notes that were titled 'lyrics' and had bullet points of different phrases. I quickly picked up the rest and stuffed it into his backpack before he could catch me looking. I hung our backpacks on the handlebars and then started pushing him towards the truck. Lili and the boys caught up quickly since we were moving slowly through the sand, Nathan saw me struggling so he took over. 

"Thanks, my arms feel like they're about to fall off." I groaned exaggeratedly.  

"Pushing his fatass around is a work out on its own." Nathan joked. "you'll be at bodybuilder status by the end of the summer."

"Then maybe you should take over pushing so you can get some muscles into those noodles you call arms." Rosati bantered back to Nathan. That caused Skate and Lili to laugh along with us too. Looking between Rosati and Skate then back to Nathan I noticed he was the leaner one of the group with Skate being the bulkier one. I liked guys to be somewhere in between, like Rosati, who worked out enough to still have defined abs and strong enough to pick you up without looking like he benches every minute of the day.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts when I realized we were at the truck already. I looked around at the people leaving with their food and realized they were selling pre-plated street tacos. The lined moved along as an older man and his son quickly passed the orders.

"Chicken or beef?" asked the younger guy. We all gave our reply and started getting our wallets out, as soon as I got out a twenty to hands both reached out to stop me. 

"I got it." and "don't worry about it," were said by both Skate and Rosati, I looked between the two and felt awkward standing in the middle of their staredown. Before they could start arguing I handed the older man my money and walked over to the ice chest to get a drink. While trying to decide what flavor of vitamin water I wanted Lili came over and joined me. 

"What was that all about?" she asked with her thumb pointing over at Skate and Rosati. 

I looked at her and bit my lip trying to decide whether I should trust her or not. 

"Rosati caught Skate and I kissing the other day and now they're mad at each other." I let out quickly without looking at her.

"You and Skate!" She said quite loudly and in shock. I covered her mouth and shushed her, I looked around to see if anyone heard us. Luckily the boys were preoccupied talking to the guys in the truck about their business.

"It's not a big deal so please dont make it one." I begged her.

"Okay. Are you thinking of dating him?  Because I just want to let the records know that I am against that." She looked at me with firm yet concerned eyes.

"No I'm not, why would you be against it?" I understand why Rosati is but why her?

"Look, Skate is a really good friend, the best even, but as soon as you cross the line into dating he becomes toxic central and all red-flaggy." I replayed the last times we were alone together and suddenly all the red flags were lighting up like a christmas tree.

"You're right. Why is he like that though?"

"I don't know but I think is has something to do with his past. He and Nathan had a very bad childhood," she turned to look at the twins. "According to Nathan Skate took it the hardest. Any form of relationship is hard for him."

I stayed quiet knowing she was thinking over everything Nathan had told her about his childhood.

Now knowing what she had told me I knew it would be best to keep skate as a friend. I already knew I didn't want to come between him and Rosati I just need to figure out how to tell him.

Now that we all had our plates and drink we started walking back to our little camp site. Rosati took my plate with his on his lap while I pushed him, more like struggled, all the way back.

"How about we go hiking the rainforest and go to the waterfalls?" Nathan asked and initiated the conversation about our plans for the rest of the trip.

I sat back quietly and ate as they talked since I didnt know anything about the island and didn't know any activities to do.

"Aaliyah," Lili said after a while. "I saw in the hotel's activity pamphlet that there is going to be a bonfire ritual here around 9pm."

I looked at her confused for a second before remembering she wanted us out of the room at that time.

"That sounds like fun but I think it's best if I stay with Rosati, I am still on the clock." She gave me a 'what the hell!' face but I knew what I was doing. I gave the group a sad smile and continued eating.

"If you want to go I can go with you for a bit." Rosati said lowly, he kept his eyes down trying to act indifferent.

"Okay, thank you!" I gave him a grateful smile and looked at everyone else and they looked at me knowingly. The only one that didnt know what was truly happening was Rosati.

After we all cleaned we started towards the hotel room to change into hiking appropriate clothing.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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