Chapter 8 (edited)

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Right away I decided to call Chloe. She never told me what to do if he refuses to go to an appointment.

"Chloe here." She respondes within seconds. In the background I can hear other voices and shuffling.

"Hey Chloe, sorry to bother you but, R-James just blew up after I mentioned his therapy appointment later today." I almost said Rosati but decided against it since she refers to him as James.

"Oh yeah he does that." She chuckled as if it was no big deal. "Just keep being persistent until it's time to leave and if he still refuses just let him be. It's just therapy and he hasn't gone to a single appointment since the first one almost two years ago." She sounded like she was occupied with something.

"So it's okay if he misses his appointments?" I can't believe she just lets him miss his appointments if they are supposed to be helping him get better.

"Well, not all of them. He absolutely has to go to doctor appointments, and I always try to be extra persistent with physical therapy but that never works out. Anyways honey I have to go. Good luck!"

I looked at my phone once she hung up. I thought she would be able to help me get him to go. Not leave me completely hopeless.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 11am.

I got the meds ready and left them on the counter. I grabbed my planner and bag and headed up stairs to my room.

Laying on the bed I decided to finish the list. Even if he doesn't go with me I still need to do the shopping. Looking at what I already had written down I added a few things. Monsters, M&Ms, Popcorn, and Hot Cheetos.

Maybe when I'm giving him his meds I'll ask again what he would like for me to add. I'll make sure to clarify that he's not obligated to go with me if he doesn't want to.

I don't want to risk getting him mad again.

Once I was done writing everything I think we would need I headed down.

I grabbed the small bowl and a glass of water. Once I was in front of his door I felt nervous, like yesterday morning.

After he let me in I put on a soft smile and set everything down. He was still sitting up playing his video game. If he didn't give the 'come in' when I knocked I would have thought he didn't even know I was there.

I could tell by his soften features that he was no longer mad. I looked at the way his dark green eyes studied the screen, his thick eyebrows slightly pulled down in concentration. I know it's weird that I'm observing him like this but I couldn't help my gaze going from his black wavy hair piled on his head so messily to his sharp jawline, that was now no longer clenched. I admired the way his dark black hair contrasted to his pale skin. It gave him sort of a mysterious look.

"Can I help you with something or are you okay with just checking me out." He said with a smirk.

" I wasn't checking you out. I was just waiting until you were done so I can ask you something." I responded with embarrassment.

"That blush begs to differ." Of course with that I blushed harder. " what do you want?"

"Well even if you don't want to go, I still really need to go grocery shopping." I started off with so he won't right away get mad. "So is there anything you want me to add to the list?"

"Let me see it." He said looking at me quickly before turning back to the screen.

"Um, okay it's in the kitchen. I'll be back." He nodded and I turned to walk out.

"On your way back can you bring a broom and dust pan?" The way he said it reminded me of a small child asking his mom for forgiveness after making a mess.

"Of course." I said hoping he took that as me forgiving him for the outburst earlier. 

Walking out I noticed the slight crunch under my feet.

Coming back in I handed him the list and started to sweep. The chips had spread all over the room so I just decided to sweep everything and not just where the Cheetos were. I left the room to empty it into the trash can.

When I came back in I saw that he had some how gotten a pen and was writing stuff down.

"Fixed it." He looked up at me with a goofy smile.

"Alright, do you need me to do anything before I go?" I asked. I don't want to be gone for hours and he needs to go to the bathroom or something.

"No, just leave the chair close by my bed and I should be fine." He said picking up his controller again.


Entering the super market I grabbed the cart and finally looked at the list. A smile spread wide on my face once I saw the changes Rosati had made to it.

He had crossed off all the vegetables I had written down and added a whole bunch of juices and sodas, chips, candies, and 23 boxes of Mac and cheese. With the 23 underlined three times. I wonder why that specific amount?

Ignoring the lines he had crossed over the vegetables I headed to the produce section.

After about 30 minutes, while I was trying to decide what kind of pasta to get, I turned to find Satan.

She was walking with a basket and had stopped further down the aisle by the tomato sauces. I know it has only been a few weeks since graduation but, I was hoping I would never see her again.

I turned my full attention to the pastas in front of me. Just act like you didn't see her and everything will be fine.

"Aaliyah? Is that you?" With hearing my name I turned to fully look at my ex best friend.

"Oh hi Jessica. I didn't even see you." I forced a smile. She forced a smile.

There was an awkward few seconds of silence. She looked me up and down. I looked her up and down. She was wearing simple black jeans and a white blouse with little flowers on it. I was kind of embarrassed since she looked nice. I looked like I just crawled out of the dumpster with my black leggings, my brother's old grey university T-shirt.

"Well it was nice seeing you but I have to get going." I said in such a fake nice voice and walked away.

I turned into the next aisle and waited a while before going back since I only had the pasta and Mac and cheese left.I quickly got whole wheat pasta and the 23 boxes of Mac and cheese.

Once I had successfully checked out and put everything in the truck and backseat of the car without running into her again I zoomed out of the parking lot.

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