Chapter 1 - The Flash Reborn

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MacKenzie's POV

"I can't find her, Cisco." Wally says through the comms after speeding down the streets.

Cisco and I jump out of a breach next to Wally. Cisco doubles over, out of breath.

"Well, I gotta work out more. She's really stepped up her game." Cisco says.

"Buck up, cowboy." I tell him, hitting his arm with my wrist protector. "We gotta step up ours."

"I don't have eyes on her." Joe says through the comms. "Iris?"

"Copy, I'm on it." Iris says. "Looking...Got her."

"And?" Wally asks.

"Duck!" Iris exclaims.

"I don't see no duck." Wally says.

"Idiot!" I exclaim, dropping to the ground. Cisco and Wally get punched by Peekaboo and they fall to the ground.

"Peekaboo." Peekaboo says. "Your only warning, boys and kid. Stay back." She turns the other way and leaves.

"She meant the other duck." Wally says, standing up.

"Yeah, I cannot believe you actually thought she meant a duck duck." Cisco says.

"Where is she, Iris?" Joe asks.

"She's headed for the Keystone Bridge." Iris tells us. "If she gets out of the city, we're gonna lose her for good. You guys have to stop her now."

"Oh, I'ma catch her this time." Wally says.

Wally speeds away.

"I hate teleporters." Cisco breathes

"Tell me about it." I say.

"Cisco, she's gonna jump to the Broome Tower." Iris tells us. "When she lands, you and Mack stop her."

"On it." Cisco says.

"Dad, meet them at the bottom." Iris says.

"Copy." Joe says.

"Wally--" Iris starts.

"I know what to do." Wally says.

Cisco vibes me and him to the rooftop. As soon as Peekaboo lands on the roof, I send a blast of quakes, holding her in place. Cisco opens a breach.

"Peekaboo-yah!" Cisco yells.

Wally speeds in and pushes Peekaboo through the breach.

Cisco, Wally, and I go in after.

The three of us fall to the ground but Peekaboo springs to her feet. We look at her as she cocks two guns at us.

"Dead bang, fellas." Peekaboo says.

She shoots the guns.

"No!" I yell, throwing my hands in front of us and the bullets stop. Then, the bullets shatter and hit the ground.

"What the--" Peekaboo starts but is cut off by an electrical shock. She falls to the ground, unconscious.

CCPD comes in.

"Look at that." Cisco says. "We got her."


Wow, what an intro. 

"I'm so proud of us." Cisco says as him, Wally, Joe, and I walk out of the elevator entering STAR Labs. "That was a good hustle out there, Team Vibe."

"It's Team Kid Flash, but thank you." Wally says.

"Okay, not your finest hour, gentlemen and young lady." Iris says, walking with us.

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