Chapter 6 - Luck Be a Lady

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MacKenzie's POV

"So what are we gonna do?" Wally asks after Barry had just told us about Becky.

"I don't know." Barry says. "I mean, I'm not sure yet. I can't get close enough to her without triggering bad luck."

"Seriously, that girl's a hazard." Cisco says then he gasps. "Hazard, that's the one. Maybe that means the jinx is gone."

"Her powers only work in her immediate vicinity." Barry says. "She didn't jinx us."

"And the house is still falling to pieces." Joe says.

"It's been falling apart for years, just, like, really slowly." Barry says.

"Well, plus, Jesse dumped me, too." Wally says.

"I... I know, dude." Barry says. "And, you know, that sucks."

"And we're up against a meta we can't even touch." Cisco says. "And we're the ones who made her in the first place."

"Guys, do you have any idea how ridiculous you all sound?" Barry asks. "We have not been jinxed. Or cursed, all right? We make our own luck, right? So what do you say we focus and we figure this out?"

Barry's phone rings.

"Hey, Iris." Barry says, answering the phone. "You're where?"


Cisco and I walk into the speedlab just as Harry throws a big hunk of metal at the wall and it hits him on the head.

"OW!" Harry exclaims.

Cisco laughs and I giggle.

"That was golden." Cisco says through his laughs.

Harry turns around, clearly not amused.

"Him, not me!" I say, holding my hands up in surrender.

"Way to throw me under the bus." Cisco says, offended. "Don't shoot, okay?" He asks, going back to Harry. "I'm here to apologize. I know you're trying to help us fix our own colossal screw up."

"Yeah, like always." Harry says.

"Yeah, I know." Cisco says. "I mean, I actually thought you'd be at home by now, but here you are working away."

"Well things are a little complicated on Earth-2." Harry says.

"Oh." Cisco says. "Everything okay with Jesse?"

"Yes." Harry forcefully says. "I mean, yes. If you must know, I spent the summer assembling a support staff for her, so...."

"Oh, like a Team Quick?" Cisco asks.

"No." Harry says.

"Team Jesse." Cisco says.

"No." Harry says.

"Jesse and the Quicksters." Cisco says.

"They're not called that." Harry shoots him down.

"Well, they should be." Cisco says. "That sounds like an awesome team."

"It is an awesome team, because I assembled it." Harry says. "But then, Jesse goes and kicks me off the team, all right? Apparently I'm too much like me, whatever that means. I push too hard. You know, too many tests. Too many training sessions. You know, I don't allow the team enough time for their personal bonding. I don't understand millennials. Anyway. They took a vote. I'm out. I don't even have a home to return to now. I can't even go back to my own Earth. I'm sure you can empathize, right, Ramon? Because you know what I'm like. Well, you know what? We'll handle Sharpe, and then I'll be out of your hair."

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