Chapter 20 - Crisis on Earth X Part 2

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MacKenzie's POV

I walk into the cortex to see Barry there in his suit.

I cross my arms.

"What?" Barry asks.

"You were supposed to pick me up." I remind him.

"From what?" Barry asks.

"School." I tell him.

"You went to school at night?" Barry asks me.

"You and Caitlin signed me up for a tutor, remember?" I ask him. "7-8 on tuesdays and Thursdays."

"Jeez, Mack, I'm so sorry." Barry says.

"It's okay." I say. "What're we doing?"

"Suiting up." Barry tells me.

"I'm in now?" I ask.

"You're in." barry tells me.

I smile


"Supergirl and Firestorm are sweeping the perimeter." Oliver says.

"It's done." Barry says as we walk. "It's wall-to-wall Nazis in there."

"Alex and I will take up breach positions on the northwest corner, if that's ok with you." Sara tells Alex.

"S.T.A.R. Labs thinks they converted the sub-light generator-- the Prism that they stole-- into some kind of superweapon." Alex tells us.

"Speaking of super, theirs is our biggest threat." Barry says.

"Agreed." Oliver says. "Let's take her out first."

Firestorm and Supergirl fly over us.


We walk into a building where a bunch of Nazi's are.

Oliver is about to shoot his arrow but I shoot my quakes before, knocking out the first guy. Barry speeds and knocks out all the others.

"Couldn't have left one for me?" Oliver asks us.

"Sorry." I shrug.

"I'm saving Nazi you for you." Barry says.

"There's no sign of the Prism." Alex says, walking in.

"Well, it's got to be here somewhere." Barry syas.

"We got incoming." Sara says.

We turn around to see more Nazi men coming in.

"Stay where you are!" A nazi orders.

We're soon surrounded by nazi's.

We fight.

I shoot my quakes, Sara hitting the nazi's down behind me.

"I see....Their Flash... their Supergirl." Alex says between shots.

"Yeah, I see them." Oliver says.

"Where's their Arrow?" Sara asks

We fight some more.

Oliver shoots out a nazi that was about to shoot me.

Then i turn around to see Oliver knocked out on the ground

"Arrow!" I exclaim, running over to him and quaking nazi's out of the way.

I shake his shoulders

He finally wakes up.

Oliver looks around groggily

He sees Sara getting choked by Overgirl

Oliver shoots a krytonite arrow but Overgirl catches it

Overgirl chucks Sara to the ground and snaps the arrow in half

"Burn." Overgirl saus. She shoots her laser eyes. Oliver pushes me out of the way and then ducks

Overgirl's blast ricochets and hits her

We fight the last of the nazir's and look around

No one is left


Footsteps clank in the distance

"What the hell is that?" Sara asks

"Metallo." Kara breathes

It's silent for a moment

Barry slowly steps his way over to me, who's in the back.

"Mack, get out of here." Barry whispers through his teeth.

"What?" I ask

"Get out of here." He says through his teeth again

"But I can help-" I try

"Mack." Barry whispers, looking at me. "Find a way out of here and go back to STAR Labs. I don't like the way this is going."

"Okay." I whisper.

We both look back at Metallo.

I look around, trying to find an escape route when I find one: I'm small enough the squeeze under the platform that Overgirl is laying on

I take a deep breath

I need to execute my strategy

I just need some kind of...

Metallo shoots Kara and she flies back

That'll work

I turn around and sprint to the platform.

Barry watches me go.

Overgirl wakes up and sees me

Even though I don't have superspeed, I'm still pretty fast

Overgirl shoots her lasers at me just as I slide under the platform.

I wiggle my way to the back wall, hiding from Overgirl's feet that have now jumped down.

Overgirl and Thawne knock everyone else out

I see Thawne's feet with her,

"She's a Quake." Thawn says. "I saw her using her powers."

"Get her." Overgirl says.

Thawne bends down and sees me.

I wiggle my way to the beam in the middle and hide behind it

"How did she fit under there?" Thawne asks

"She's small." Overgirl says. "Are you going to get her or not."

But by the time Thawne looks back under, I'm already gone and running outside the building.

"She's gone." Thawne says.

"What?!" Overgirl asks. She looks under. "How did you let the Quake get away from us? We have to get her!"


I run down the hallway of STAR and see Felicity and Iris talking

They turn around to see me

Felicity catches me as I skid to a stop.

"They--Arrow--Thawne--barry..." I stutter out.

"Wait, shut up." Felicity says. We walk over and see Nazi's. "We're not alone. Stalag S.T.A.R. Labs."

"What are we gonna do?" Iris asks


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