Chapter 16 - Therefore I Am

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry speeds me back to STAR Labs.

"This is not the apartment." I point out.

"I know I just need to..." Barry trails off, looking around the room. Then, he stares at the Samurai head.

Barry walks over to the robotic head and opens the mask up to reveal a lot of wires.

He looks back to me.

"No." I tell him. He stares at me. "Iris said no."

"Please?" Barry asks. "Last time."

"Fine." I say.

I walk over to the wires and fiddle around until a piece comes off in my hands.

"Its a..." I turn the piece in my hands and then I realize. I look up to Barry and mouth the word 'camera'.

Barry looks around.

"You stay here, I'll be back." Barry tells me, clamping my hand around the camera.

"Wait, Barry--" I try to tell him something important about the camera.

"Mack, I don't have time." Barry whispers to me.

"But--" I try.

"I'll be right back." Barry says.

I give up.

I catch his arm before he leaves.

"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" I say.

Barry nods and then speeds out.


"Guys, Mack and I found a camera in the Samuroid head." Barry walks into the cortex the next day. He looks to me in my seat. "Show them."

I take the device out of my pocket and hold it up for the others to see.

"Where did it lead back to?" Iris asks.

"Where do you think?" Barry asks.

"DeVoe!" Harry says. "So you pinged the camera to his computer's IP address? Good!"

"Well, no, I I didn't ping it." Barry says.

"Well then, how'd you figure out it was him?" Caitlin asks.

"Well--" Barry tries.

"This camera isn't even active." Cisco says.

Barry looks to me.

"I tried to tell you last night." I say.

"Well, I heard it. It was making a noise." Barry says

"A noise?" Harry asks

"Yeah." Barry says. "Inside the Samuroid head, it was buzzing, and then I found that thing inside! He's been watching us for weeks, and I could've proved it, but his wife came back too soon."

"Too soon?" Caitlin asks "From where?"

"I don't ..." Barry starts.

"Barry, tell me you did not break into their houses" Iris says.

"Well..." Barry trails off.

"Wow." Cisco says.

"Okay, guys, that sounds bad, you have to listen to me, this guy wants us to think he's unassuming and weak, but he's not, he is powerful and smart." Barry says. "And he's been ahead of us every step of the way. He's ahead of us right now."

Rocky Raymond //Book Four// - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now