Chapter 44 - Fury Rogue

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MacKenzie's POV

The truck had been taken with Cailtin, Joe, and Fallout inside

I sit in the chair next to Iris as she combs a hand through my hair

"We really have no way of finding Joe and Caitlin?" Barry asks. "Not even by tracking Fallout?"

"That hazmat suit is hiding his radiation signature." Cisco says. "So the satellite can't even find him unless he heats up."

Barry turns to Snart

"Okay, well, what do you know about Laurel Lance's doppelganger?" Barry asks. "And why was she hunting you?"

"That was Siren-X, all that's left of the Reichsmen." Snart explains. "An elite assassin gone mad, and she is relentless. Carried a torch for Dark Arrow, unrequited, so she's none too pleased with those responsible for his death, present company included."

"So she has the same powers as Black Siren?" Iris asks. "The Laurel Lance of Earth-2."

"And Earth-1's Laurel Lance..." Snart questions.

"She died." Barry says

"She was the second Black Canary after her sister, who also died and came back, but as White Canary, cause--" Cisco attempts to explain

"Cisco." Barry cuts him off

"It's complicated." Cisco finishes

"Right." Snart says. "Doppelganger confusion aside, Siren-X has my cold-gun and a nuke, and her thirst for vengeance won't prevent her from using either one on me or all of you now."

Iris turns around to talk to Barry

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Iris asks

"I'm fine." Barry says

"I'm just a little worried. It seemed like she got the jump on you out there." Iris tells him

"She didn't." Barry says. "She just caught me off-guard. And why does it matter right now? We don't even know where Joe and Caitlyn are." He looks to Cisco. "Cisco, will you just see if Harry has any ideas?"

"I'm on it." Cisco says, walking out

"Just watch the satellites like a hawk." Barry tells Iris

Barry leaves

"Leo, what exactly happened out there?" Iris asks

"Oh, just your typical deadly combat between two metas from multiple earths." Snart says

"Leonard." Iris says

"I'll go talk to him." Snart says

"Thank you." Iris says

Snart walks out of the room

Iris turns back to me

"How you feeling?" Iris asks

I shrug, sighing

"Did the medicine at least help?" Iris asks


3rd Person POV

"What'd you see out there, Barry?" Snart asks, walking into the speedlab. "When you froze up?"

"Nothing." Barry says

"You just got two of your teammates captured and almost got me killed." Snart says. "So either you explain what happened or I leave."

"I saw Ralph." Barry says

"Mm, I warned you." Snart says. "He is messing with your head."

"No, it's not like that." Barry says. "Do I miss him? Yes. Do I regret what happened? Of course. But I don't need lessons in loss. What I need to do right now is lead my team."

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