Chapter 47 - Harry and the Harrisons

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MacKenzie's POV

"So last night, Harry, Cisco, and I were up all night writing all the different algorithms we could think of involving the satellite tech that DeVoe stole." Caitlin starts early in the morning

"We think DeVoe plans to position each of his five satellites at specifically calculated points around the globe." Cisco continues

"And when the quantum computers in each satellite link up..." Caitlin starts

He'll use that network to basically emit a series of dark matter bursts." Cisco says

"That will reboot the pre-frontal cortex of every man, woman, and child on this Earth." Caitlin says

"Well, we need to nip this in the bud." Joe says. "We can't let him launch those satellites."

"Yeah, but I mean, how are we supposed to find him?" Iris asks. "I mean, we haven't been able to register DeVoe's pocket dimension energy for days."

"And with Null's gravitational powers, he can launch these satellites from any place at any time." Caitlin says

"Yeah, he can." Barry whispers

"What are you thinking, Bar?" Joe asks

"I think we shoot 'em down." Barry says

"Whoa." Harry warns

"There is one small problem." Iris says. "DeVoe has Kilgore's powers."

"Yeah, he can manipulate any tech-based weapon we fire at him." Joe says

"So we don't use tech." Barry says. "We use some kind of organic matter weapon."

"Right, like a...Like a..." Harry trails off

"You know what?" Iris says. "Let's split up, see what we can find."

The others turn to walk out

Cisco walks over to me, about to start a conversation when he's stopped

"Ramon. Ray." Harry calls to us. "DeVoe's not acting. Why is he not acting?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter." Cisco says

"But it does matter, though." Harry says. "And if I had my intelligence, I could figure that out. But I don't. I got to get it back."

"No, no, no." Cisco stops him. "What you need to do is be patient. We're consulting with, like, literally every scientist we know."

"What about Ray?" Harry asks

"You finally admitting I'm smarter than you?" I ask him

Harry shoots me a glare

"Nevermind, not her -- it's an unfair playing field." Harry tells me. "Why don't you consult with me?"

"No." Cisco stops him

"No, not dumb me, the other mes." Harry says.

"The council." Cisco realizes


In the speedlab, we're talking with Herr Wells

"So I must admit, found your transmission intriguing, to say the least." Herr Wells says. "But first I have a question for you, Harry Wells. Tell me, Harry, how does your hypothetical thinking cap account for the resonant inductive coupling of the dark matter transfer?"

"Well, the... the inductive--" Cisco starts

"Am I speaking to you?" Herr says. "I cannot remember. Oh, wait. I'm not. The little guy that must be Cisco, put you in the box. Put the box in the pocket. Talking to Harry, a simple question. How does it account for the resonant coupling?"

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