Chapter 4 - Mixed Signals

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MacKenzie's POV

"This guy is a living computer virus." Caitlin says as her, me, and Cisco stare at code in the workroom. "That's a new one."

"Look at this code." Cisco says. "From the elevator, to the car, to the bomb robot, this code keeps changing...But I can't figure out why."

"Okay, we have to remember that it's not just digital." Caitlin says.

"It's bio-digital." I say.

"Yes." Caitlin says. "Most organic viruses mutate to avoid being killed."

"So, if we managed to create digital antibodies, then we can shut this guy down." Cisco says. "Oh, nice one!" He gives a high-five to me and Caitlin. Gypsy walks in. "Hi."

"Hi." Gypsy says.

"I'm so glad you're here, 'cause I truly, deeply, from the bottom of my heart I am sorry, but I'm gonna have to cancel our date." Cisco says. "If you're gonna vibe blast me, can I at least pick the spot?"

"It's fine, Cisco." Gypsy says. "I get it."

"You get it?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, what's not to get? You have to work, so we will cancel our date." Gypsy says. "Well, good luck, you guys. I hope it works out." She kisses him and then walks out.

"What a cool chick." Cisco chuckles. "She took that so well."

"Are you kidding me right now?" I ask him. "She really didn't."

"Mack's right. When a girl says she gets it, what she really means is she doesn't get it at all." Caitlin says.

"I'm confused." Cisco says.

"Don't be." Caitlin says. "Very simple. You, my friend, are in so much trouble."

Caitlin pats Cisco on the shoulder and walks out.

"You just had to fall for the girl in head-to-toe black leather, didn't you?" Cisco asks himself.

"Good luck with that." I say and walk out.


"No sign of Deacon or Kwon on facial recognition, traffic cameras nothing." Caitlin says in the cortex later that night.

"We don't even know if Kwon's still alive." Wally says.

"We gotta move fast." Joe says. Joe looks over at Barry and Iris who are standing awkwardly apart. "Where were you two?"

"Dry cleaners." Iris says.

"Wedding...cleaners." Barry says. "Dry cleaners."

"Um, Cisco?" Iris asks. "Uh, where are you with those bio-digital antibodies?"

"I'm nowhere." Cisco says. "Actually, no You know what? I am somewhere. I'm in the doghouse. Apparently the pan-dimensional doghouse. I don't know if this doghouse has a door or window, but if it did, I'd be jumping out of it!" He shouts and then leaves the room.

"It's okay." Caitlin says. "I'll go talk to him. Come on, Mack."

I follow Caitlin to mine and Cisco's workshop where Cisco is pacing back and forth.

"She must think I'm blowing her off." Cisco says. "But I'm just trying to do my job. I guess the word 'reschedule' doesn't exist on Earth 19."

"Okay, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that the reason you can't focus on the science is because you're so worried about what's going on with Gypsy." Caitlin says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything you said. But I-I think I figured it out. I think I can't focus on anything 'cause of this whole Gypsy situation." Cisco says. "I'm... I think I'm just gonna have to talk to her."

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