Chapter 34 - Subject 9

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MacKenzie's POV

I open my eyes, waking up in my bed in my official new home


I lay there silently, thinking over how grateful I am for having this family

Then, my door opens and I turn my head to see Barry standing there

"Hey." Barry says with a smile, walking over and laying in bed next to me. "How's my daughter doing this morning?"

I smile

"Good." I tell him. Then, my smile falters as I think.

"What's wrong?" Barry asks

"Nothing." I tell him

"You're doing the brow thing." He says and I remember that I hate having such an expressive and readable face. "Out with it."

"Is it okay...." I start. "Um...if I don't call you and and dad?" I ask slowly and then rapid talk. "Just for right now? I'm still trying to get used to everything and I--"

"It's okay, Mack." Barry says. "Take all the time you need."

"Thank you." I tell him


"It's not permanent, is it?" Caitlin asks after Barry had told us about what Signh had told him.

"I mean, he said it was indefinite." Barry says

"They wouldn't have given you your ID back if it was for good." Caitlin says.

"I mean, maybe this is for the best, Barry. I mean, you need to prove that DeVoe is still alive." Iris says. "And you can do that now as The Flash."

"Yeah, maybe." Barry says. "How are we doing with him, by the way?"

"We know that we still have four bus metas left to find." Caitlin says

"And that DeVoe has absorbed the powers of Killgore, Hazard, Black Bison, Brainstorm, and Dwarfstar." Iris says

"Fallout is safe with Tracy." Caitlin says

"But the Weeper is M.I.A." Iris says.

"Then DeVoe must have him." Barry says

"Well, that just leaves Ralph." Caitlin says

"Ralph is safe with us." Barry says. "But the other four metas aren't. DeVoe will absolutely kill them and take their powers."

"But why does he need their powers?" Iris asks. "I can't figure out his end game."

"I don't know." Barry says. "I just know that these last four metas are the key. That's why we need to find them."

"And find them we will." Ralph says holding a big box, him and Cisco walking in.

"Where have you guys been?" Barry asks

"A little home away from home, otherwise known as the bus depot." Ralph says. "But I showed Cisco here an old P.I. trick I learned from my mentor, Columbo. Lost and found box from meta bus 405."

"Question for the room, how did I get stuck doing the buddy system thing with Ralph?" Cisco asks.

"It's the best way to keep Ralph safe, Cisco." Iris says

"Yeah, it's the best way to keep Ralph safe, Cisco." Ralph says

"Well, clearly you've never had to stay over at an apartment that uses neon beer signs for lamps and the kitchen sink for a shower." Cisco says. "Ralph, I love you. But you sleep on a futon."

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