Chapter 48 - Harry and the Harrisons

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MacKenzie's POV

"If Norvock thinks he can steal from me and get away with it, he has got another thing coming." Amunet says in the cortex

"I can't believe this is happening." Caitlin says

"Satellite's not picking up any of your alnico metal anywhere in the city." Iris says

"Norvock may be a moron, but he's not stupid enough to keep the stash out in the open." Amunet tells her

Barry skids to a stop next to Joe

"Hey, did you find anything?" Joe asks

"Nope." Barry answers. "Norvock and the boxers weren't at the ring anymore."

"Of course not!" Amunet exclaims. "Because you and your gang of heroes tipped him off that something was up."

"Have you expanded the satellite beyond Central City?" Caitlin asks, walking over to Iris

"Yeah." Iris says

"What about trying facial recognition?" Caitlin asks

"Yes, of course." Iris tells her

"And what about a geological scan of the metal signature like last time or having Cisco run another algorithm to check the electromagnetic fields in the city?" Caitlin asks

"Yes, Caitlin. I've done all that." Iris says. "I've run all the tests."

"Bit testy with that, Frost." Amunet tells her

"We're doing everything we can, all right?" Barry tells her. "We're gonna find Norvock and the shards."

Caitlin turns around, frustrated and rubbing her head

"Caitlin." Joe says, calling her attention. "Is this about her stolen shards or her tech?"

Caitlin gives Joe a look

"What?" Barry asks. "What tech?"

"Amunet has splicer technology that she used to split Killer Frost last year." Caitlin says. "I was hoping to use it again to get Killer Frost to come out, but it was hidden with her metal shards in the storage container."

"Why wouldn't you tell us that?" Barry asks

"Because I made Amunet a deal." Caitlin says. "If she helped me, Killer Frost would do another job for her."

"Well, that splicer tech isn't your only hope." Joe tries

"Yes, it is, Joe." Caitin snaps. "I have tried everything that I can think of to get Killer Frost to appear, and that was my last shot. So now she's gone for good."

Caitlin leaves

Amunet watches her go


I walk into the workroom with Cisco where Harry is digging through stuff angrily

"Those weirdos with their feelings." Harry says. "I'm done talking about my feelings." Harry lifts something and Cisco ducks. "What's your problem?"

"No, it just looked like you were gonna..." Cisco trails off. "What is this? What are you doing?"

"I am cleaning up my work station because I'm not gonna need it anymore since I'm not getting my intelligence back!" Harry exclaims, slamming stuff

"You don't know that." Cisco says

"I don't know that?" Harry asks. "Oh, I don't know that? Ramon, what's done is done. You spent all this time bringing this council together when your time should have been used helping the team. I wasted your valuable time, and for that I apologize." Cisco looks at him. "What are you...What? Spill some soup on me?"

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