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As soon as we arrived, a group of people came up to me and gave me a quick rundown of the rules. When we went inside, someone stopped me to do my makeup, while Jennie chatted with some other folks nearby.

"All set, sweetie!" said the woman, so I thanked her and went to join Jennie. She was deep in conversation, so I just stood next to her and waited. When she finished, she turned to me and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Wow, I clean up pretty well, don't I?" I said with a smirk, causing Jennie to roll her eyes and walk away

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"Wow, I clean up pretty well, don't I?" I said with a smirk, causing Jennie to roll her eyes and walk away. I couldn't help but chuckle and follow her, surrounded by a team of security guards. As we approached a door, Jennie instinctively clung to my arm, but refused to make eye contact.

"I thought you didn't want all of this, Jennie Kim?" I whispered, only for her to ignore me.

As we approached yet another door, the security guard standing outside reached out to open it for us. As the door swung open, my eyes were met with the sight of a spacious room, adorned with high-tech equipment and guarded by a couple of imposing cameras. A group of people dressed in formal attire were scattered around the room, and upon seeing us, they began to bow respectfully.

Feeling somewhat unsure of myself, I mirrored their actions and bowed in return, although it seemed that Jennie was more familiar with these formalities, as she only bowed back to the group of people. Suddenly, a voice called out to Jennie from across the room, causing me to turn my attention towards a young blonde girl who was making her way towards us with open arms.

"I'm Rosé, but you can call me Rosie, Chaeyoung, or Roseanne - anything you'd like," she said, letting out a chuckle that filled the room. As she spoke, I couldn't help but notice the lightness in her tone, and it was clear to me that she was a funny and friendly person. I couldn't understand how she's friends with Jennie, though - the two seemed so different.

As Jennie stood at the head of the long table, flanked by investors on one side and a sea of media on the other, I made my way over to her. I could feel the weight of all those eyes on me, and I found myself becoming increasingly nervous.

"Miss Kim, isn't she the girl you yelled at a few days ago?" came a voice from the other end of the table. The question was like a blow to my stomach, and I felt my hands begin to shake.

I took a deep breath and tried to steady myself. All around me, the buzz of anticipation was palpable, and I knew that all eyes were on me. I placed my hands behind my back, hoping to hide my nervousness, and looked to Jennie for support.

Jennie turned to face the assembled investors and media, her posture erect and her voice ringing with authority. "This is my girlfriend, Lalisa Manoban," she announced, her words cutting through the tense silence that had descended over the room. "And let's be real, there's nothing wrong with arguing with your girlfriend, am I right?" Her tone brooked no argument, and the media man who had spoken out earlier fell silent, his head bowed in submission.

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