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After the ordeal, we returned home, my mind still reeling from what had happened. Without looking at Jennie, I made a beeline for my room, hoping to avoid her. I didn't want her to see me in such a vulnerable state. I was afraid she would either pity me or scold me for venturing out of her office and getting myself into trouble.

As I lay on my bed, a few tears streamed down my face, evidence of the emotional turmoil I was going through. It was the first time in my life that someone had slapped me, and the experience had left me shaken. I didn't understand why people would resort to shouting and violence, especially towards someone who had done nothing wrong.

I was lost in my thoughts when a familiar voice broke through the silence. "Lisa," Mr. Kang's voice called out from my doorway, and I snapped back to reality.

I got up and opened the door just a little, not wanting to expose myself too much. I saw Mr. Kang holding an ice pack, and to my surprise, Jennie was on his back. I quickly opened the door a little wider to take the ice pack from him, keeping my eyes down to avoid any eye contact with Jennie.

I nodded in appreciation for the gesture and retreated to my bed, placing the ice pack on my cheek. My mind was still racing from the events of the day, and I couldn't bring myself to do much else but stare at the ceiling.

It was only when I heard a knock on my door again that I realized how much time had passed. Opening the door, I was once again greeted by the sight of Mr. Kang.

"Shall we head down for dinner?" Mr. Kang asked with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with kindness. I hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm not particularly hungry, Mr. Kang. I think I'll skip dinner and have something tomorrow instead." But he wouldn't take no for an answer, reaching out to take my arm gently. "Please, at least have a little something," he insisted, his voice full of concern.

With a heavy sigh, I relented and followed him downstairs to the kitchen. Jennie was standing by the stove, stirring a pot of fragrant broth, while an assortment of dishes sat steaming on the counter. I sat down at the table, feeling a little awkward as Mr. Kang left the room, leaving me alone with Jennie.

My eyes were fixed on the spread of food before me as Jennie moved around the kitchen, deftly ladling soup into a bowl and placing it in front of me. I could feel her eyes on me, silently urging me to eat. She took her own seat across from me and began to eat, her spoon clinking softly against the sides of the bowl.

Jennie broke the silence, her voice as gentle as a breeze. "Is it salty?" she asked, her eyes searching mine for a response. I shook my head simply. Jennie is a good cook, there's no doubt. I just don't seem to have the appetite right now.

"I'm full, thank you for the meal," I said, pushing my chair back and standing up from the table. However, before I could even take a step, Jennie began speaking again, her tone concerned.

"Wait, before you go, I noticed you have a bruise on your arm. What happened?" she inquired, her eyes fixated on the discolored patch of skin on my arm.

As she pointed it out, I glanced down at my arm and felt a twinge of pain as I remembered how the bruise had come to be. It was from the lady who had been dragging me around earlier, her grip tight on my arm.

"It's nothing," I muttered, trying to brush off the pain in my arm. But Jennie wasn't having it. She stood up from her seat, determination etched on her face.

"Come here, let me take a look," she said, beckoning me over to her chair. I reluctantly shuffled over to her, feeling the weight of her concern like a physical force.

Jennie grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and returned to her seat, gently placing the pack on my arm. I winced as the coldness of the ice sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't complain.

"Does it hurt?" Jennie asked, her voice soft and gentle. I shook my head, trying to be brave even though the pain was still throbbing in my arm.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble back there," I murmured, my eyes fixed on the ground. I felt guilty for the commotion I had caused, and I didn't want to burden Jennie any further.

She looked at me, and I saw her face up close for the first time. Her eyes were bright and clear.

"Do you think I'll scold you for being slapped in the face?" she asked, her voice serious. I looked up at her, surprised by the question.

"I fired those two," she said, pulling the ice pack away from my arm for a moment before carefully replacing it. "I've been receiving so many reports about them being too bossy and crossing the line with employees."

"Mr. Kang told me he couldn't find you," she continued, her voice soft. "Then an employee called my secretary because she saw you being scolded by their head in that department. I knew I had to come and find you. Mr. Kang and I rushed over to get you, but when we arrived, I saw that lady slap you." She paused for a moment, and I saw her eyes soften with concern. But then she put on her serious face once again. "That kind of behavior is unacceptable, and I had to take action."

I nodded, understanding that she was just doing her job. But a part of me was grateful that she cared enough to intervene on my behalf.

"Here, you can keep the ice pack," she said, gesturing to the cold compress on my arm. "I'll take care of cleaning up."

She turned to leave, but before she could take a step, I instinctively wrapped my arm around her small waist, pulling her close. I wasn't sure what came over me, but I couldn't bear to let her go just yet.

"Thank you," I whispered, my arms still wrapped around Jennie's waist. I felt her body stiffen for a moment, but then she relaxed, allowing me to hold her.

"I didn't know what to do earlier," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't even know how to protect myself."

A lump formed in my throat, and I could feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble every time I'm around," I said, my voice breaking as a tear escaped my eye.

"I don't know how to do this properly, Jennie," I said, my voice still shaky. "But I'm trying my best so you can have the company you wanted. Please bear with me for a little while longer. I'll work harder."

I sniffed, loosening my tight hug on her waist and pulling away, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

Jennie turned to face me, and I saw an unreadable emotion in her eyes.

"I'm sorry for not letting you have fun at the festival earlier. I was being rude when I should have repaid you," Jennie said, sighing and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"It's fine," I said, trying to lighten the mood. "As long as you tried the foods back there."

"But seriously, no one can talk back to you and hurt you," she said, pausing for a moment. "Only Jennie Kim can do that."

I laughed, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. It was good to know that I had someone on my side, someone who cared about me.

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