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Third person's POV

The next day after dinner both Lisa and Jennie are quiet. They will only go out of their room if needed. Lisa tried confronting Jennie about it since it's so confusing that Jennie kissed her when they were in Finland and that's impossible that Jennie just wants to let her go. But on second thought she still has Kai anyway. Lisa didn't know what she'll do but Bambam and Jisoo were talking to her when they're in the car on their way to the villa they were talking about having an apartment for the three of them. Lisa was hesitant at first since she doesn't want to leave Jennie but now that everything already happened she feels like she does need to move out. So after Jennie continuously avoiding her she decided to pack up so she can leave the next day. While Jennie stayed in her room drowning herself in paper works since she doesn't want to think about Lisa leaving. Jackson confronted him that night when they're about to go home he said that hopefully, Jennie did the right choice.

Lisa's currently moving her luggage out of her room when Jennie walks out and she's shocked seeing Lisa but her eyes dropped down on the luggage 'of course she's leaving' she said on her mind. She looked back up at Lisa who's examining her face but Jennie just cleared her throat

"Where are you moving? " she asked putting so much interest on her voice but it came out more pitchy which shows that she doesn't want to start a conversations

"Jisoo and Bambam had this apartment for a few days and they're needing one more person so.. Yeah" she said pushing her luggage and carrying it once they're descending the stairs.

"Oh... " Jennie said which made the atmosphere more awkward "umm.. Are you bringing Leo and Luca? " she asks when they made it downstairs

"Yeah" Lisa simply says while she put down her luggage and started pushing it again

"Uhh... You can just leave them here you know... Kuma will be sad. You can just visit them so... You can see Kuma as well" she said and she knows how fucked up her explanation is... But she seriously just want Lisa to at least visit from time to time cause she feels lonely back here

"I'll probably visit Kuma some time but I also need to see Leo and Luca every day" Jennie was about to offer that she can visit Leo and Luca every day if she wants to but that'll be way absurd... And she already gave them to Lisa so it's no use owning them

"Right... " Jennie paused and chuckle as she made her way towards the kitchen to grab some water. Lisa on the other hand started putting both Leo and Luca on their bag type of thing when the elevator opens revealing Bambam

"You ready Manoban? " he says all hyped up making the girl nodded her head. Bambam started picking up some of Lisa's bags while Lisa picked up Leo and Luca's bag.

Jennie went out of the kitchen making Bambam bow down to greet her. Jennie nod at him and smiles a little as she turns to look at Lisa

"I'll go now Jennie"

'Why didn't she call me Jennie Kim? ' Jennie thinks but keeps her gaze on Lisa

"Thank you for letting me stay... Take care of yourself Jennie" she says again making Jennie shut her eyes for a moment as she feels pain in her chest and her eyes started warming up

"No problem Lisa... Good luck and I hope you'll have fun" she said smiling genuinely at the taller girl right in front of her.

Lisa wished that Jennie could've said 'I'll miss you ' somehow but that's impossible... Jennie didn't even stop her from going.


A day after

Jennie went home from work around 10 and as she went out of the elevator Kuma run towards her

"Lisayah let's eat dinner! " she yelled out...

She laughs at herself as she remembers that Lisa wasn't living here anymore

3 days after

Jennie walks out of her room and as she looks over the door right in front of her flashbacks came rushing in... The time that she'll go out at the same time as Lisa and she'll just roll her eyes with Lisa grinning right in front of her

5 days after

Jennie went home from work and as she starts walking upstairs she remembers the time that Lisa was so drunk that she had to drag her upstairs. Those questions like 'how many bones do you have? ' don't have so much sense but it brings so much happiness for Jennie... When she made it upstairs the feeling of Lisa's lips on hers. Jennie shut her eyes and opened it again after a while as she made her way towards her bedroom and tears started streaming down her face when she closed her door.

Jennie's POV

The news immediately blows up the day Lisa left. Dad released a statement saying that it's a mutual decision between the both of us. That we didn't fight or anything... We just want to be better people and grow on our own.

Why do I have to see her in every corner of my house? And why does it hurt so much that she's not here?

Lisa was so annoying but she's the life of this penthouse. It feels so empty when she's not around. It feels like the penthouse was abandoned... I feel abandoned.

I told her in the letter that this became home when she came along and that is true. I can never call this a home when I don't feel secured, I don't feel warm, I don't feel important and I don't feel loved.

This past few days Kai has been reaching out but I ended up just rejecting his offers of going out of town or simply going out to eat cause I don't feel like I will enjoy it just as much as I did when we're in Finland.

I've known Kai for years... I've spent most of my time with him, of course, we had fun but how can I compare it to a couple of months being with Lisa? I think I had the time of my life whenever she's around... Even if we're not doing anything.

I think I made a wrong decision after all.

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