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Lisa's POV

As the sun began to set, we decided to head back home at around 10 pm. The day had been full of exciting activities, starting with a delightful lunch at a fancy restaurant.

After our lunch, we made our way to an exhibit that left us in awe of the artists' creativity and ingenuity. The colors and designs on display were breathtaking.

As the afternoon progressed, we made our way to a rooftop restaurant that offered stunning views of the city skyline. The atmosphere was serene, and we enjoyed a delicious dinner while sipping on fine wine and taking in the beauty of the city at night.

Just when I thought the day was coming to a close, we arrived back at our penthouse to find two fluffy cats lounging on the couch. I looked over at Jennie with confusion, but she just smiled and pushed me towards the cats.

As I sat on the couch, lost in the soft fur of the two adorable cats, I suddenly heard Jennie's voice from behind me. "I heard from Jisoo that you love cats," she said, and I turned around to see her standing there, a playful smile on her face, while Kuma sat quietly beside her.

My heart swelled with joy as I responded, "I love cats, Jennie Kim." Tears of happiness threatened to spill out of my eyes as I continued petting them. Jennie's presence and the cats' soft purrs were already making my day better.

As we sat there, Jennie and I started brainstorming names for the two cats. I could feel my excitement building as we came up with the perfect names, Leo and Luca. They were the perfect fit for these two furry friends.

Turning to Jennie, I asked, "Are you feeling better now, Jennie Kim?" I noticed her sitting on the couch with Kuma on her lap, her expression still a little somber.

"Not completely," she replied, "but maybe tomorrow, I'll be perfectly fine." I nodded understandingly.

As we sit together on the couch, we watched Riverdale until midnight. At that moment, Jennie stood up and said, "Stay right here." I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight.

Jennie disappeared into the kitchen, and I watched as she reappeared with a cake in her hand. My heart swelled with happiness as she placed the cake down on the table and turned to face me. Jennie had done so much for me today, and I knew I could never repay her for this. But I felt grateful, and I couldn't help but smile at her once again.

Jennie carefully placed the cake on the table and lit the single candle on top. "Make a wish," she said. "But if it's just a material thing, forget it. Tell me what you want, and I'll buy it for you. But make a wish that's not material."

I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of the candle on my face as I made my wish. For everything that Jennie had done for me, I knew that my wish was for her sincere happiness. She had shown me so much warmth over the past few months, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for her.

As I opened my eyes, Jennie asked, "What did you wish for?"

"It's between me and the candle," I replied, a small smile on my lips. I leaned over to hug Jennie, feeling her slowly relax into my embrace. "Thank you for everything that you've done, Jennie Kim. I really appreciate you," I said, feeling the weight of my words.

Jennie's hand slid slowly up and down my back, comforting me in a way that only she could. After a few seconds, I pulled back and playfully pinched her cheeks, making her glare at me once again. I couldn't help but feel like I was making progress with her, that maybe she was growing more comfortable around me.

Jennie handed me an envelope that I hadn't noticed before. I looked at it, about to open it, but she stopped me. "Read it later," she said, standing up and picking up Kuma from the couch. "I'm going to sleep now. Happy birthday again," she said before making her way upstairs, leaving me alone in the living room.

As I watched her go, I couldn't help but feel grateful for everything she had done for me. Maybe our relationship wasn't a traditional one, but I knew that I was lucky to have Jennie in my life.

After spending a few minutes lounging on the couch, I decided it was time to clean up the living room. I turned off the TV and made my way upstairs, my two cats trailing behind me. As I ascended the staircase, I couldn't help but feel the weight of exhaustion that had settled over me. But the promise of a warm shower and a soft bed called out to me, urging me forward.

I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower. Once I was done, I dressed up quickly and made my way towards my bed. As I approached my side table, my eyes landed on the envelope Jennie gave me. Curiosity piqued, I reached out and grabbed it.

To my surprise, I found a handwritten letter inside. Jennie had written it. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over me - I had always thought of Jennie as someone who would never take the time to pen a letter. But here it was, in her handwriting.

Ya dumb ass! I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not knowing that it is your birthday yesterday. I won't lie that I have just forgotten about it cause I don't know that it was your birthday yesterday. I'm not the person who says sorry so be grateful that I did say that. I also want to thank you cause even though I'm not the nicest person you know, you're still there... Not just because of the money but you do care for me even if I treat you like shit. I know you'll be so full of yourself if I'll say this but I will say it anyway just for you to be happy once with what I will say. Whenever I come home from work for the past couple of years, I feel like it's just a place to sleep and rest but it never was a happy place for me. When you started living here I guess I can call it home now, not because of having your company but because of you. I guess home isn't just a door and a roof it has two eyes and a heartbeat. That sounds very cheesy but that's just the words that I can think of. Happy birthday Lisa, thanks for staying by my side. I promise to be more patient with you. I'll try not to argue with your dumb ass all the time. Bare with me more cause I still need you by my side. I may not be there all the time cause I'm working but if someone ever did something wrong to you tell me and I'll use all my money to put them on their grave. Now wipe that smile out of your face and don't ever mention what I've said in this letter in front of my face cause I'll kick your ass. Goodnight Lisa, I hate you less more than everybody else.

Not very sincerely,
Your Jennie Kim

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