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Lisa's POV

As soon as we arrived at the airport, I stepped out of the car, and to my surprise, I found myself surrounded by at least seven guards who had been waiting for us. The bustling crowd of people and the flashing cameras of paparazzi only added to the already overwhelming situation.

As I stepped aside, I noticed Jennie gracefully stepping out of the car and pausing right in front of the crosswalk. Her confidence and poise were undeniable, as she seemed unfazed by the chaos around us.

"Stay close," she warned me, her voice low and urgent. "They'll get closer once we start walking."

I could sense the intensity in her words as she scanned the surroundings, her eyes hidden beneath a pair of sleek sunglasses that only added to her already intimidating presence.

But even as I looked at her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth towards her. Despite her tough exterior, there were moments when she seemed almost vulnerable, like a cute little baby in need of protection. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that though. The mere thought of receiving one of her infamous death glares was enough to make me shiver.

As we stepped in, we were greeted by a swarm of paparazzi, their cameras flashing like strobe lights. My nerves were on edge as we made our way through the sea of people. It felt like they were too close, too eager to capture our every move. I could hear their voices calling out to us, asking us to pose for the perfect shot.

Suddenly, I felt a reassuring weight on my arm. It was Jennie, her cool touch a balm to my frayed nerves. I looked over at her and she still has her sunglasses on, but even so, I can see her eyes with the short distance between us, her eyes conveyed a sense of calm. She mouthed the words, "it's okay," and I felt myself relax slightly.

We approached the airline attendant, our passports and plane tickets clutched tightly in our hands

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We approached the airline attendant, our passports and plane tickets clutched tightly in our hands. With a cursory glance, the attendant waved us through, and we followed the security team to the exclusive waiting room. As we walked, I could feel the eyes of the other travelers on us, their curious gazes lingering just a little too long.

Jennie seemed unfazed by the attention, pulling me towards a small table nestled in a quiet corner. "Do you want to eat something?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I looked around, taking in the luxurious decor. "Do you eat here?" I asked, my voice betraying my confusion. Growing up in Thailand, I had only ever flown economy class, and this area was beyond anything I had ever experienced.

Jennie looked around the waiting room, a faint smile playing on her lips. "You can eat here," she said, gesturing towards the tables laden with food and drink. As she spoke, she caught the eye of one of her security guards and nodded towards him. In an instant, he was at our side, holding out two steaming cups of coffee.

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