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Lisa's POV

"Lisayah" I open up my eyes from sleeping and saw Jennie on my side holding my hand "I'm sorry I took a while to go here" she said and for the first time I saw Jennie's tears streaming down her face as she looks at my beaten up face

"Have you eaten Jennie Kim? " I asked squeezing her hand softly and I saw her smile as she shakes her head

"I don't know why you still care for other people when you're lying on this hospital bed" she said brushing some hair out of my face "who did this to you? " she asked while wiping her tears away

"I'm fine Jennie Kim don't worry too much" I said but she shakes her head and stood up... I roam my eyes around seeing that Jisoo, Bambam, and Somi are still here but they're all sleeping on the couch.

"Where are you going? " I asked when she drops my hand slowly on my side as she keeps on wiping her tears away. Before she can even answer, the door opened and Jackson came in looking at Jennie and me before looking behind him and the two girls from earlier went in with handcuffs and police right beside them. Before I even knew it Jennie run towards both of the girls and slap them each on their faces and this time Bambam, Jisoo and Somi woke up. Somi rushed to my side to hold my hand while watching while Jisoo and Bambam's just looking at a furious Jennie who's being held back by Jackson

"Fucking bitches! I don't even let mosquitoes in our house cause they might go to Lisa and here you are beating her up! " she yelled at them while Jackson's still holding her back since she's reaching out to grab their hair

"It's her fault she attacked us first " the other girl defended

"Bullshit! Your parents slapped Lisa first and I didn't even report them to the police when I can fucking put your parents in jail for the mistreatment that they're giving my employees way before your mother slap Lisa! " Jennie stepped back but Jackson kept his hand out in case Jennie will go towards them again

"Ms. Kim do you want to file a case? " the police says

"I'll do everything to put that shit heads behind the bars" she said and they escort both of the girls outside. Jennie turn around to look at me and her eyes landed on Somi's hand

"Do you want to be behind the bars as well? " she said making Somi step back as she let go of my hand. Jennie walk towards me and looks down at me and I can still see that she's still pissed off so I grab her hand and squeezed it making her frown go away

"Don't stress out yourself too much Jennie Kim you'll get old pretty fast" I said making her roll her eyes as she chuckles a bit taking the seat right next to my bed as she just holds my hand on hers

The police ask both Jennie and me about the information that we can give. Around 2 am Jackson went back with cups of coffee with him as he gave it to everyone. He takes the seat on the other side of my bed and smiles at me

"Lisa... Do you mind telling Jackson what happened to your parents? " Jennie says making me look at her... At first, I don't know if I should but then I see Jackson as my best friend and also a brother so it's just fine to tell him

"Go on tell him" I said to Jennie so she nodded and started telling it to Jackson... Somi also walk towards my bed to listen since she doesn't know anything while Jisoo and Bambam stays on the couch since they know everything already

After a couple of minutes with Jennie telling the story and her side comments that she'll kill those people and Somi sobbing so hard from crying too much which I found funny somehow Jennie ended the story and looks up at Jackson who's just staring into the distance

"Are you listening? " Jennie asked making Jackson snap out of his trance

"Didn't you said that Lisa saved a girl from being abducted by some people from the company? " Jackson asked again

"Do I have to repeat it again? Clean your ears sometimes Jackson" Jennie says while rolling her eyes

"And the girl faints because of the chloroform on the rug" he said and this time he's like talking to himself

"Jackson can you stop acting like you're around Lisa's IQ cause that's very dumb" Jennie said making me pout and she just chuckled

"So it really is you" Jackson said making me look at him

"What do you mean? " I asked

"When Jennie's younger some guys went to our company as well to make her faint and to take her so that they can use her to get what they want from my dad... From our dad" he said making me furrow "before it even happens the police called dad and informed him about a report of a young girl and they sent some police and arrested everyone who's involved. Jennie doesn't know this cause she fainted that time. A year after, dad received a call saying that the kidnappers escaped from the jail we stayed here for a couple of weeks and we even heard the news of the death of your parents but we all flew to New Zealand to keep us away from the danger back here but we decided to go back after a year. " Jackson said and we're all just in a state of shock when he's been telling every single detail of it "we're actually about to reach out to you that time to thank you for saving Jennie... For saving our family but we can't find you at that time. So basically... You saved Jennie back then" he said

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