Week Two: POV Competition + Ceremony

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Jared warns Leighton that his side of the house's reign of power will not last long, and that he should be prepared to be evicted. Leighton abruptly ends the argument and goes to talk to Cornelia, mentioning that Jared only solidified his eviction.

Meanwhile, Agnes tells Thornton that they have to be solid on evicting Blair if the nominations stay the same. Thornton says he knows that the two have to keep Jared safe no matter what this week because of their pact. Agnes recognizes that Thornton is her only alliance member and close friend.

Xander, Blair, Christopher, and Jamie talk secretly in another room about how they are going to have to evict Jared should the nominations not change. Out of the four, only Xander would be excited to see Jared leave, because he sees him as the "alpha of this pack", as revealed in confessional. In a separate room, Hank comforts Jared and tells Jared that he has his vote.

Soon enough, it is time for the houseguests to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. Leighton, Blair, and Jared will participate. Madison decides not to use her power, as she already knows she is safe this week. Leighton draws Cornelia, Blair draws Jamie, and Jared draws Hank. When the six houseguests compete, triumphantly, Jared wins the Power of Veto and he is overwhelmed with excitement.

Following Jared's win, the Superior Six is infuriated, particularly Cornelia, Hank is excited, and Xander, Blair, Christopher, and Jamie are scared. First, all of the Superior Six talk in the Head of Household room.

Leighton asks for suggestions of who to put up, and Gobias and Beau both suggest Thornton. Cornelia agrees, however she questions Leighton who the target would be. Leighton tells the alliance, since Thornton has only one ally in the form of Agnes, Blair is in their rival alliance, and Agnes and Thornton can be numbers. Molly says she just has to agree, and Madison tells Leighton that she was thinking the same. Beau tells the audience via confessional that there is a lot of Alphas, but there are plenty of Superiors.

Jared holds an Alpha Pack alliance meeting, to say that he will be using the Power of Veto on himself. Everyone in the alliance understands, and Christopher tells Jamie that he is genuinely scared for who is going to go up as a replacement.

The veto ceremony is held, and Jared uses the Power of Veto on himself, to the surprise of no one. Leighton stands up and names a replacement nominee, saying that this is merely a strategic decision, but he nominates Thornton. Thornton is somewhat displeased as the houseguests begin to start strategizing.

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