Week Eleven: Nominations

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Hank and Xander are both overjoyed at Xander's crucial Head of Household win at this point in the game, but Xander makes sure to tell Hank that only Xander is guaranteed a spot at the final three at this point. If either Madison or Gobias win the Power of Veto, they will likely choose to evict Hank. Hank doesn't care and he says he will win the Power of Veto.

Madison and Gobias are clearly less happy, because their rival duo has snagged away the power in the house. Madison tells Gobias that they need to try their hardest to win the veto, and Gobias agrees, because he is worried that his plan for the final three will go up in ashes. Gobias tells the audience that Madison is a likeable player and is someone to get rid of, even if she is aligned with Gobias.

Julie Chen appears on the television screen once again and interrupts the houseguests. She explains that everyone needs to come to the backyard as soon as possible, and the final four all open the backyard door, and sit in the four chairs, with a stage where a famous rapper, Tom Wordy is. All four houseguests have heard of him, and they sit back and watch his rapping performances. Tom Wordy gives performances of three songs to the houseguests, with swearing not present. Madison bobs her head, Xander claps throughout the song, and Hank and Gobias look amused that they have communication with the outside world.

After the performance, Xander makes his nominations at the final official nomination ceremony of the summer. He nominates Gobias and Madison, with Xander explaining that he has to stay true to his final two deal with Hank, with both nominees looking slightly upset.

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