Week Nine: Nominations

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All of the houseguests start campaigning to Thornton for their safety. First, Madison apologizes for putting him on the block and explains that it was a game decision. Next, Beau and Gobias suggest that the three of them, plus Madison, could create a super alliance. Thornton tells them that he is open to the idea, while lastly, Hank and Xander talk with him. Thornton is willing to re-form their alliance, and make a trio, because the group of Madison, Gobias and Beau is already a strong trio and there are still six houseguests left in the game. Hank tells Thornton that he would be down for the plan, and Xander states that he thinks it is a strong idea. Hank tells the audience that he confirms that he is being genuine to Thornton and that Madison, Beau, and Gobias are threats.

Beau, Madison, and Gobias hang out in the wave room, and Beau states that they should be safe and Thornton should nominate Xander and Hank. Madison hopes the trio will be the final three of the season, but Gobias points out to Madison to not get her hopes up.

Hank and Xander chill out on the hammock. Xander thinks that the duo aligning with Thornton is a genius idea, but Hank says it is to keep them safe from eviction. He tells Xander that the end of the game is approaching, and it is time for all of the houseguests to be as strategic as they can.

Thornton spends time in his Head of Household room, alone, thinking of who to nominate. Thornton likes Gobias, but sees him as a threat to win the game, while Beau and Madison could make easy pawns. Suddenly, Madison comes into the room and makes sure that Thornton is nominated Hank and Xander, to which Thornton says that he will keep Madison safe. Madison leaves the room, and she worries that Thornton is unpredictable and there is no telling what he might do.

When it is time for the nomination ceremony, Thornton nominates Beau and Gobias. He explains that he made a deal with Hank and Xander earlier, and that the two nominees and Madison have become threats in the game. Thornton adjourns the nomination ceremony, and Madison, Beau, and Gobias have looks of displeasure on their faces.

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