Week Seven: Double Eviction

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Cornelia, Madison, and Beau talk in the wave room. Beau assures that Cornelia has two votes from him and Madison to stay and they will campaign for Cornelia. Cornelia thanks the two, but she is sure she will stay in the house.

Hank talks to Gobias in Hank's Head of Household room, and Hank tells Gobias that the Beast Five are targeting Cornelia instead of him. While Gobias is relieved, he would be sad to see any of his alliance members go home, and he tells the audience that he is definitely going to stick to his alliance with Madison and Beau.

Madison approaches Agnes and Thornton and pleads for them to evict Gobias. Agnes tells Madison that her mind is already made up, but Thornton is still undecided. Thornton tells Madison that they are both major threats, but the two would be going against the alliance if they didn't vote with their group. An angry Madison storms off, while Thornton suggests it could be a better idea to go against the alliance, and Agnes tells him not this week.

Julie Chen appears on the television screen for the live eviction, but Julie announces that not just one, but two people will be leaving the house that night, much to the shock of the houseguests, meaning it is a double eviction night. However, the first eviction starts, and by a committed vote of 4-2, Cornelia gets sent out the door as the seventh evictee and the first member of the jury. Beau, Madison, and Gobias tearfully hug her and watch as she exits.

Agnes, Beau, Christopher, Gobias, Madison, Thornton, and Xander compete in the next Head of Household competition. After a short battle, Thornton wins his first Head of Household of the season, keeping himself and Agnes safe.

During a commercial break, Agnes proposes to Thornton that they should make a big move and evict one of Christopher, Xander or Hank. Thornton tells Agnes that the two will sink to the bottom of the totem pole if he does that, but he says everything in life is worth a shot. Agnes assures Thornton that the duo cannot try to get back in with Beau, Madison, and Gobias again, to which Thornton responds that he is aware of that.

After some time, Thornton is told to make his nominations immediately and declares that it is time to make a big move in the game, so he nominates Christopher and Hank, to the displeasure and stun of Xander, and the two nominated men. Gobias smiles smugly at Madison, while Beau silently cheers. Xander, Beau, and Agnes are randomly chosen to compete in the Power of Veto competition, where Agnes manages to pull out the win, making her way back to the house cheerfully.

Agnes meets the rest of the house in the living room and chooses not to use the Power of Veto on either nominee, to the irritation and displeasure of both Christopher and Hank.

During the next commercial break, Agnes tells Thornton she is set on voting out Hank, while Gobias tells Madison and Beau that it would be best to evict Christopher so that Agnes and Thornton will target Hank instead of their trio. Madison calls Gobias a genius, and the three split up giddy with excitement. Xander talks with Christopher and says he is staying true to the pact they made in the fifth week.

The houseguests all vote at the eviction, and by a vote of 3-2, Christopher is blindsided and evicted from the game, becoming the second member of the jury. He wishes Hank and Xander luck during the rest of the game, and leaves flipping Thornton off. Agnes realizes that Madison, Beau, and Gobias voted to evict Christopher instead of Hank and is annoyed.

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