Week Nine: Eviction #10

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Madison and Gobias talk in the kitchen, and Madison explains that she is sadly voting for Beau to be evicted due to she and Gobias' close bond. Gobias thanks Madison for her vote, but Gobias is still scared that he will be evicted instead. Madison tells Gobias that she will make sure to convince Hank or Xander to flip their vote if they are targeting Gobias, and Gobias is grateful.

Thornton, Hank, and Xander hang out in Thornton's Head of Household bedroom, where Hank says he is glad that Gobias will be evicted this week. Thornton leaves the room to grab himself a drink, and Xander tells Hank that this could be the perfect opportunity to go against Thornton's wishes and vote out Beau instead. Hank highly disagrees once again, as the trio between the two and Thornton could take over the game and become the final three once Gobias or Beau is gone. Xander looks finally convinced, and tells Hank fine.

Thornton comes back into the room, and Beau lets himself in, saying he wants to make sure that it is him staying over Gobias, not the other way around. Thornton assures Beau that he was never the target in the first place, but Beau leaves to ask Madison the same thing. Madison tells Beau she is completely unsure of what to do, but Beau is sure he has at least two votes to stay.

The houseguests all play charades while waiting for the eviction, until the live vote finally plays out.

By a vote of 2-1, Beau is blindsided and is sent out the door as the fourth member of the jury, shaking hands with Madison and Gobias. Hank shakes his head at Xander, and Thornton is very angry.

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