Week Eight: Eviction #9 + HOH

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After the official Power of Veto ceremony, Agnes and Thornton make a pact to not campaign against each other and let the "Head of Household" group decide who to evict instead. Thornton starts to feel bad that he went behind Agnes' back earlier and campaigned to Beau for his vote.

Gobias, Madison, and Beau chat in the wave room. Gobias suggests for Madison and Beau to evict Thornton because he is more of a mental threat, and a "slit-your-throat" kind of person. However, Beau still thinks Agnes is an unpredictable player, and she is way more of a threat physically than anyone still in the game, and Madison says she has to agree. Hank and Xander come in to the room, and Hank tells the group he definitely wants to rid of Agnes, and Xander, strategically, thinks that is the best move. Madison sighs and she says they will all see what will happen on eviction night.

Xander and Hank talk in another room, and they are still set on evicting Agnes. Xander implies he wants to just follow Hank, and Hank gets the sense that Xander is a goat to take to the end, and easily win. Hank contemplates getting rid of Agnes, and wishes he could evict them both.

Agnes and Thornton spend their last moments as a duo in the backyard. They hang out on the hammock, talk about television shows, and past evictions. The two spend the evening watching the stars, as Agnes tells the audience that she hopes to continue this Big Brother relationship outside of the house. Thornton says he doesn't want the adventure to end for any of the two.

When eviction night comes, by the first unanimous vote of the season, Agnes is evicted with four votes, and instead of being angry, she takes it in stride, and hugs every houseguest as she becomes the third member of the jury.

After the unanimous eviction, Beau, Gobias, Hank, Thornton, and Xander compete in the next live Head of Household competition. Thornton ends up winning, making the rest of the houseguests scared and upset.

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