Week Twelve: FINALE

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The day following Madison's eviction, Gobias, Hank, and Xander are informed the first part of the final Head of Household competition would play out tomorrow. However, first, the final three must watch a video documenting their time in the house.

After the video, the final three discuss all twelve evicted houseguests, starting with Monika. Gobias apologizes to Hank, but he wishes Jared could've gone home. Hank tells Gobias there are no hard feelings coming from him, while Xander didn't have any opinion on her eviction, even though he sided with Jared in the first week.

Next is Blair. Hank thought Blair was brutally taken out of the game, and Xander was also upset at her eviction because he had a close bond with her. Gobias holds ill will towards Blair, because she nullified his former ally Cornelia's vote at her own eviction and, Gobias tries not to giggle when he tells Hank and Xander that.

After Blair is Leighton. Gobias thought it was cute that he had a three-year-old son, while Hank says, looking back on it, he wishes Leighton didn't get taken out of the game early, but it had to be done because he came off too strong. Xander remarks that Leighton needs a second chance to prove himself.

Jamie is the next evicted houseguest. Hank immediately claims that he was upset with her eviction but she got into an obvious showmance with Christopher. Gobias points out that Jamie was evicted under his Head of Household reign and that was because Jamie was perceived to have a bigger grudge against the Superiors at that time than Agnes so therefore she was eliminated instead. Xander again wishes that she didn't go so soon.

Following Jamie is Jared. Hank didn't like how his eviction was obvious, as Jared was Hank's closest friend in the house for the first five weeks, but now Xander is his go-to-guy. Xander was loyal to Jared and annoyed with his eviction, but he had to send him home instead of Christopher because he made a pact with Christopher to keep both of them in the game. Gobias tells Hank and Xander that he was the pre-jury villain of the season.

The last houseguest evicted pre-jury is Molly. Gobias admits that he developed a close relationship with Molly in the first few weeks of the game, but that immediately changed as Molly had her mental breakdown, which had saved Cornelia from eviction. Hank tells Gobias he ultimately did not care who was evicted; as long it was someone from the Superior alliance, he was satisfied. Xander agrees with Hank and says that he was entirely committed to the Beast Five alliance.

Next are the jurors. The first juror is Cornelia, and Gobias discusses with Hank and Xander how hard it is to be up against someone that Gobias is in the same alliance with. However, the final three all know that it was Cornelia's time to leave, and Gobias thinks that Beau and Madison must have gave her two sympathy votes and voted against Gobias.

Next is Christopher. Hank completely blames Agnes and Thornton for evicting Christopher, but thanks Gobias for sparing him. Xander was upset and frustrated at the double eviction result, and he remarks that he is scared that Agnes and Thornton are both jurors and can control the vote. Gobias states that the only reason Christopher didn't leave in week four is because Jamie was much more threatening to Gobias' own game.

After Christopher is Agnes. Hank exclaims that Agnes is the most backstabbing, terrible and bitter person alive, because of the horrifying double eviction result that affected Hank and her constant betrayals, Xander dislikes Agnes as a person and Gobias says that she was always a wildcard to the Superior alliance. Xander states that there are too many vile things in the game Agnes has took part in and she had a very detailed story arc that he might as well write a book about her time in the game or shoot a documentary. Hank agrees that the final three cannot talk about Agnes any longer.

Following Agnes is Beau. Gobias felt bad that he was nominated against him, but he already had Madison's vote to stay and also thanks Xander for flipping his vote. Hank reveals his opinion on Beau, honestly, and says that he didn't contribute much to the game, but he was a funny, over-the-top presence. Xander felt glad to be voting him out, and feels that week nine was a fuzzy memory because of Beau's eviction.

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