Week Seven: Nominations

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Hank, Christopher, and Xander cheerfully celebrate Hank's Head of Household win in Hank's room. Agnes and Thornton come in, and all have smiles on their faces. Hank suggests to the group that the main target should be the leader of the Superior Four, Cornelia, and a pawn, such as Madison or Beau. Christopher replies by saying that is not such a good idea, because Gobias, a mental threat, is still left in the game. Hank just tells the alliance that he just wants to clear his head for now.

The next morning, Cornelia comes up to Hank in the wave room and talks with him. Cornelia brings up the idea of targeting Agnes and Thornton instead of people from her own alliance. Hank reveals that it is him, Xander, and Christopher as his ideal final three, and that he will think about cutting them, but Hank tells the audience that he is planning the Beast Five to be the final five of the season.

Cornelia, Madison, Beau, and Gobias hang out in the backyard. Cornelia tells the group that she talked with Hank and Cornelia thinks that she convinced him to not nominate the Superiors. Madison warns Cornelia to not take his word for it, because Hank was close with Jared, Cornelia's largest enemy in the house for some time, and Hank is extremely untrustworthy for the alliance. While, Beau agrees with Madison, Beau predicts that Agnes and Thornton will make it farther into the game with their strategy.

Hank once again approaches Christopher and Xander, and tells the men that Cornelia approached him to attempt to convince Hank to rid of Agnes or Thornton by putting them up for nomination. Xander disagrees with this idea, though Christopher reveals to the audience that he doesn't think the idea is half-bad, but he cannot go through with it.

Xander tells Agnes Cornelia's plan and she immediately freaks out, wanting to confront Cornelia, but that would only raise a bigger target on her back from the Superiors. Xander advises that Agnes not tell Thornton, and Agnes says that her lips are sealed.

Christopher pleads for Hank to take his advice and nominate Gobias instead of Madison or Beau. After hours of talking, Hank finally tells Christopher he doesn't know if his target will change.

Soon, it is time for the nomination ceremony. Hank tells the houseguests he wants to put up two major threats for eviction, and nominates Cornelia and Gobias. Cornelia looks a little upset, while Gobias is scheming.

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