Chapter 27 - Blood Pressure

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Logan Nielsen

7 months without Amanda.

Today is a really exciting day for me. I'm going to See Amanda after 3 months not seeing her. Me and Amanda talked over the phone almost every night and mostly she fell asleep first. I'm so excited because I get to see her in a really big event.

Today is a World Peace day and all important people from all over the world will come to Swiss. Amanda will go alone without her grandfather and I will go alone too which is great.

I just landed and now I have to go straight to the event. Amanda told me that she's already there. I had some work this morning so I can't go right away but I will attend the peak of the event.

I got into the car and I felt my heart beating fast. I've been wanting to see her but my parents kept me around and so was Mandy's grandfather. The first 4 months, we both kept go back and forth to visit each other and of course my parents hate it but I don't care. I want to keep her around as much as I could because being away from her makes me go crazy.

I texted Mandy that I will be there soon.

I took a small box from my pocket and I bought her a present too. I designed a bracelete for her and I can't wait to give this to her.

I put the box back into my pocket and took a deep breath to keep myself together. I miss her, I miss her a lot to the point that I'll go crazy if I don't see her soon.

After 20 minutes, I arrived at the venue. I texted Amanda that I'm here but I can't go to her straight away. We're in public and I don't want to make a scandal. We're in a World Peace event so I need to get myself together. We stayed in the same hotel though so I'll have her tonight.

I got out from the car and the press immediately took a lot of picture of me. I smiled at them and followed the staff to go into the event. The guards where guarding me from every angle as I walked inside the building. I walked into the big ballroom and there's currently a performance going on.

I looked around to look for Mandy, where is she? Even though I can't go straight to her, at least I need to know where is she. My heart will go crazy if I don't find her right away.

My eyes tried to scan the whole ballroom as I smiled to some people I know. But I can't find her.. where is she? I can't take my phone out too, I'm in an event and it will come out as rude. This is making me frustrated!

"Your Highness, it's an honour to sit with you." I turned to see Mr. Elenor a famous businessman from Scotland.

"Mr. Elenor, it's been so long." I shook his hand and he patted my back.

"How are you?" He asked as we both sat down. I smiled briefly to the other 3 people whom I shared my table with.

"I'm good, how about you?" I asked and my landed on 3 tables behind Mr. Elenor. My eyes widen to see Mandy just walked back to her table with a man wrapping his arm around her waist.

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Not only that but she cut her hair short and dyed it blonde

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Not only that but she cut her hair short and dyed it blonde. Not only that but she wore a short white dress with a low cut on her chest. God.. I felt my blood pressure is going up.

"Your Highness?" I turned to Mr. Elenor.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted."

"It's okay. I just want to excuse myself because I need to take a call." He said as he pointed his phone. I smiled nodding and he left. I turned to Mandy again and I rubbed my eyes to see if I'm halucinating or not but no.

My hands turned into fist and I know that jealousy took over me. I closed my eyes trying to breath normally but I can't. My heart was beating faster than before and I felt my head starting to ache. I had to control myself before I go there and jump to whoever beside her.

I opened my eyes and turned to her again. She was laughing with the man beside her and he even patted her head. That's it! Jealousy got me..

I got up from my seat and I walked towards them. Mandy saw me and she smiled widely. She got up from her seat and I nodded my head gesturing her to go out from the ballroom. She nodded happily and she took her bag before following me out.

I walked out from the ballroom first looking for an empty hallway but there's a lot of people guarding the building. There's a lot of important person here so I'm not blaming them. I saw a small corner and I walked there waiting for Mandy to come.

"Logan!" I turned to Mandy and she immediately hugged me. My anger died down that second as I wrapped my arms around her small body. I closed my eyes and let out a breath of relieve.

I miss her.. I miss her so much.

"I miss you! What took you so long?" She asked but I kept hugging her. My heart was aching missing her and now since I have her in my arms.. I can breath now.

She released the hug and I looked at her from head to toe. There's no denying that she looks beautiful tonight. She's always beautiful in my eyes but the sudden change almost give me a heart attack.

The dress stuck to her skin like a glue and her curves were so visible to me and to the public eyes. That second I remembered the man beside her.. and it burned my heart again and I looked at her angrily.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Who are you with?" I asked her coldly.

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