Chapter 55 - Know That

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Logan Nielsen

Mandy went into my room to take a shower and I was called by my parents to my father's study room. They already saw Mandy again and they didn't say a word about it.

I walked towards my father's study room and knocked on the door once I arrived. I walked inside and my parents already sitting on the sofa gesturing me to sit right across them.

I sat down in front of them and my father started the conversation.

"How's the preparation for tomorrow?" He asked.

"It's going well, father."

"You're ready to be King?" He asked and I looked at them both nodding my head.

"I'm ready."

"Or do you wish to.. get married first?" My mother asked and my eyes widen. I turned to her and she smiled nodding.

"Wait.. who am I getting married to?" I asked because I think my parents still thinking that I'll be marrying Linnea. My grandfather sent Linnea back yesterday so she's not here in Denmark anymore.

"If you still want me to pick the right bride for you then Linnea but if you still want Am-"

"I want to marry Amanda." I cut him and my father nodded.

"Why the sudden change? I thought I have to persuade you two." I asked and my mother sighed.

"We talked a lot these days and we both saw you and Linnea don't have the desire to get married to each other. We got a request from Lady Natasha too." My mother said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Lady Natasha? Why is she requesting Linnea?" That's weird.

"Oh I bet you know why, Logan." My mother said.

"I'm asking you once again, Logan. Are you ready to be King of Denmark?"

"Yes, father. I'm more than ready." I said and my parents nodded.

"Very well then.. We'll keep the coronation going tomorrow and then you can plan your wedding." My father said and I smiled widely.

"Thankyou.. for letting me be with Amanda." I looked at them both and my mother stood up opening her arms. I got up and hugged her.

"I'm so proud of you, Logan." Her voice cracked.

"Thankyou, mother." I said as I released the hug. She wiped her tears and she kissed my cheek.

"I can't believe tomorrow you'll take over the.. country." She said and my father patted my shoulder. I turned to him and gave him the biggest hug.

"I happened to invite Amanda's family to your coronation. They will come tomorrow morning before we start." My father said.

"Thankyou father." I released the hug and smiled.

"I won't disappoint you both." I said and my father nodded. He patted my shoulder once again and he gestured me to go. I walked out from my father's study room with a big smile plastered on my face. I can't want for the coronation tomorrow and have Mandy for the rest of my life too.

I walked back to my room and walked in without knocking. I saw Mandy walking out from the bathroom after taking a shower and she turned to me smiling.

"I see that you're happy, are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded. I walked to her and hugged her tightly.

"Someone's happy? Care to share?" She asked as I released the hug.

"I'm just happy, everything starts to fall into it's place." I said and she kissed my cheek.

"I know.. I'm happy too." She said as she caressed my cheek.

"You have to take a shower and sleep because tomorrow is your big day and I don't want you to have a dark eyebags." Mandy said as she pushed me towards the bathroom.

"I can shower tomorrow." I said and Mandy smacked my back.

"No!" She pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door. I chuckled and I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled widely and let out a breath of relief. I'm happy more than happy and I'm ready to be King.

I jumped into the shower quickly and I can't wait so sleep with Mandy in my arms. It's been a long time since we both got together. At last, my parents let me be with her or I'll find another way to be with her.

I got out from the shower and dried myself. I took out my PJ and put it on. I walked out from the bathroom and found Mandy sitting on the bed busy with her phone.

"Why so serious?" I asked as I walked to her. I kissed the top of her head and she showed me what she saw on her phone.

It's a news of me and Linnea's marriage cancellation.

I read the whole news and my father was the one who gave the statement. I guess I will make another statement tomorrow after the coronation. I turned to Mandy and she looked at me sadly.

"I think you have to call Linnea, you both need to talk."

"Yeah.. do you mind if I call her?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You should talk to her and ask about her conditions." Mandy said and I nodded. I took my phone and dialed Linnea's number.

"Hey Logan." Linnea picked up but not in a happy tone.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I sat on the bed beside Mandy.

"I'm okay. Sorry that I can't be on your coronation day. I'm so happy for you and I know you'll be a great King." I smiled when she said that.

"You saw the news?"

"Yes, I saw the news and I'm so happy for you and Amanda. You both deserve all the happiness in the world." She said and I turned to Mandy smiling at her.

"What?" Mandy mouthed.

"Do you want to talk to Mandy, Linnea? I'll put you on loud speaker."

"Sure." She said and I pressed the loud speaker button. I passed Mandy the phone.

"Hey Linnea." Mandy greeted her.

"Hey Amanda, I'm sorry for being evil back then. It wasn't my intention, I was a little pissed back then." Linnea apologized and Mandy chuckled a little.

"It's okay, I understand. I'm a little worried about you, are you okay?" Mandy asked.

"I'm fine, I'm okay. You both don't need to worry about me besides I'm so happy for you two that you both can be together at last."

"Thankyou, Linnea."

"Thanks." I said.

"Sorry once again that I can't be there on your coronation day."

"It's okay, I'll visit you in Sweden with Mandy soon." I said as Mandy gave me the phone.

"My mother told me that Lady Natasha requested for you."

"Yeah, apparently that bastard wanted to marry me now. He forced me into this and my parents agree." Oh boy..

"You're okay?"

"I'll just deal with him later on but I'll be okay. You don't need to worry about me." She said chuckling.

"How can I not? You're rebel." I hissed and she laughed.

"I'll send the invitation soon for the engagement party soon."

"That fast?"

"Yeah.. that fast."

"Okay then.. I'll be attending it with Mandy."

"Good to hear that.." She ended the call and I put down my phone.

"She's getting married?" Mandy asked and I turned to her nodding.

"She's going to find her happiness soon, I know that."

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