Chapter 43 - Love Sucks

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Amanda Estelle

After Logan left, I cried for hours. My heart was hurting knowing his heart now. I kept blaming myself for what happen and it made me go crazy. I kept throwing up and my body temperature went up. Everything was turning upside down.

We both are broken hearted but there's nothing we can do.

Hearing his confession made my heart flutter but knowing that he threw his own dream away made me angry. He can't be selfish like that. How many people can't wait for him to be King? His people even look up to him because he's a good man.

He wanted that throne but because his emotion, he wanted to throw that away. It's stupid. He's right, we both sacrifice in our way but still we can't be together. That's just our.. fate.

I walked to the balcony and looked at the beautiful night sky. I guess coming to New York was the right decision and all I need to do is.. trying to move on.

"What are you doing?" I jumped and turned my body to see Joan walking in with Cailey.

"How.. what?" I looked at them disbelief.

"I left my phone number to your maids so if you're acting like this.. we can come here and cheer you up." Joan said and I tried to smile. I walked to them both and hugged them.

"Did something happen?" Cailey asked.

"He came here."

"Logan is serious huh?" Joan asked as we released the hug and I nodded.

"You both love each other, why though?" Cailey looked at me sadly. We all sat down on the sofa and Joan put her plastic bag on the table.

"It's complicated." I sighed.

"Okay.. let's not talk about that. I brought 2 Korean fried chicken and some beer.. and I brought 3 tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice creams too. I asked your maid to put it in the freezer so.. let's dig in!" Joan squealed and I smiled.

"Don't worry.. you have us." Cailey said as we all sat on the floor opening the food. Cailey gave me a plastic glove so we can eat it with out hand right away.

"Here.." Joan gave me my can of beer.

"Thanks you guys.. I don't know what would I do without you." I said.

"Nah.. it's cool and besides I know what it feels like." Joan said and Cailey laughed.

"He almost got divorce because Nathan got away with Lucas at that time." Cailey said and I raised my eyebrows.


"Crystal got kidnapped at that time and Nathan actually knew Lucas and they've been contacting each other when the kidnapping took place. I was mad and he even took his side!" Joan hissed and Cailey laughed.

"She cried until her eyeballs red like it's going out from it's socket. She lose 10 pounds just by crying but still eat a lot. She's crazy!" Cailey added and I chuckled.

"But love is love.. sometimes you never know." Joan said and I nodded.

"I have no luck.. in love." I said and Cailey shook her head.

"Don't say that! Everybdoy deserve to be happy, Amanda. Your time hasn't come.. yet."

"I guess.. maybe." I said as I took a piece of chicken leg.

"Eat up! It's so good." Joan said as she took a piece too.

"Nathan is currently cheering Kyle too. He's a mess.. a crazy mess." Joan said.

"It's been a year though." Cailey added.

"But still.. oh!!" Joan suddenly squealed loudly making me almost choke on my chicken.

"What?" Cailey asked.

"How about we.. introduce you two?" Joan said and I turned to her.

"What? I'm not in the mood to go on a blind da-"

"I'm not that cruel, Amanda." Joan cut me and I raised my eyebrows.

"What are you trying to do then?" I asked after sipping my beer.

"You both happened to be on a bad.. breakups so you both can cheer each other up."

"That's cruel, Joan." Cailey said flatly and I laughed.

"What happened to him?" I asked as I took another bite.

"He was arranged marriage by his grandfather and he ended up loving her but it didn't turn out great. She left him and he went back to New York to proceed on life but he's a wreck. He loves her so much." Joan said and I nodded.

"Another tragedy." I sighed.

"It's been a year though." Cailey said.

"I think I'll be like this for the next 10 years." I said and the both of them looking at me disbelief.

"You both can't be together?" Cailey asked.

"We have our own dreams and.. his parents don't like me and besides he's going to be a King. I can't leave my company when it's my dream to become a successful woman." I said and Joan leaned back to the sofa. She put her chicken down and she looked at me sadly.

"You both don't want to sacrifice huh?" Joan asked.

"He wanted to but.. I don't see that he will be happy in the future."

"That's his choice, he chose you.." Joan said and I shook my head.

"I can't be selfish, Joan. It's not easy knowing that he wanted the throne ever since he was little." I said and Joan nodded.

"Ahh.. so he wanted the throne but he wanted to be with you too so he gave up the throne?" Cailey asked and I nodded.

"Well.. it is complicated."

"As much as I love him, I want him to get his dreams. I don't want to ruin his life just because he wants to sacrifice it for me." I said truthfully as tears piling up my eyes again.

"That's love for you." Cailey said in a small tone.

"I wish you two find a way.." I turned to Joan and she smiled.

"I wish.. but I think it's impossible." I said and Joan took out her phone from her bag. She dialed someone and put it on loud speaker.

"Hey babe." It's her husband.

"You're with Kyle?"

"Yeah.. he's crazy."

"Good.." Joan turned to me, "Amanda, do you mind if we invite some friends over?" She asked and I shook my head.

"The more the better.. I need it." I said honestly.

"Buy pizza, more chicken and beer.. lots of it, babe. I'll text you Amanda's address.. let's get crazy and cry together!"

"Be there in 40 minutes, honey."

"Well.. that's easy." Cailey commented.

"Let's cry together." Joan said as she raised her beer. I raised mine and Cailey raised hers.

"Love sucks!" Joan shouted and I laughed.

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