Chapter 38 - Faster

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Amanda Estelle

3 years passed by.. but me and Logan's relationship still the same. We still remain bestfriends. We rarely visit each other these days because we're so busy with work and him with preparation to be a King.

I miss him.. a lot.

If you're asking if I still love him, the answer is yes. I'm still crazily in love with him and guess what.. we both stayed single.

Last week, I went to Denmark to celebrate his 23th birthday. It's been a long time since I've seen him and I'm glad that I can be there for his birthday. We spent time together for about 2 days and then I had to go back to London to work.

I've been preparing my company to expand to America. I will go to New York and LA more often soon. Joan and Cailey will help me and I'll be working along with the Gold Lifes too to expand.

My grandfather cured his cancer fully last year and I'm so glad that he's healthy now. He went through a lot 2 years ago that he kept going back and forth to the hospital but last year.. he brought us the good news. I'm so thankful that he doesn't have to go for a chemo anymore.

I walked into the building when my secretary suddenly ran towards me. She looked so panic and I looked at her confuse.

"What happen?" I asked.

"King Valention and Queen Melissa, they're here. I told them that they can't enter but your grandfather let them in. They're in Mr. Estelle's office talking." She looked at me nervously and I nodded. I took a really deep breath before letting it out.

What do they want now?

We met last week to celebrate Logan's birthday and of course.. they don't like me at all. If they're here, I bet it's a serious one.

I gestured my employees to stay and let me go alone. I walked towards the lift and entered the lift right away. I pressed my grandfather's office floor. I bet Logan has no idea that his parents are here.

As soon as I arrived at my grandfather's office floor, I was greeted by lots of guards. They were all looking at me memorizing my face and I walked into my grandfather office without knocking. I saw King Valentino and Queen Melissa sitting there talking with my grandfather. I can tell by their expression.. that it's something serious.

"Your Highness." I bowed a little and King Valentino gestured me to sit down right across him. I looked at my grandfather and he gave me a weak smile.

"What brings you here, Your Highness?" I asked as I looked at them both.

"I'll just get into the point." King Valentino said and I nodded.

"We want you to stay away from Logan forever. Never show up in front of him again." I tried to stay calm and I smiled.

"Can you tell me the reason?"

"He's getting married in a year and we want him to focus and be ready to rule Denmark." Queen Melissa said as she looked at me with hate written in her eyes.

"Having you around made him lacking in many things so I think you should stop contacting my son. You know that he wants to be a good leader and a good King so bad right?" He asked.

"Yes, I know."

"Then you should support him and back off. I bet you want to see him happy but if you're in the way.. he won't be able to get it." He looked at me seriously and then he turned to my grandfather.

"We heard that you're going to expand your business to America, we'll help you but in return.. you have to make your granddaughter stop seeing my son." King Valentino said to my grandfather and my grandfather shook his head.

"We don't need your help, we already have a partner and you don't need to bribe me. We have lots of money and partnerships with other company so.. the choice is on Amanda." My grandfather said and I'm so glad that he did it. The King turned his attention to me and his eyes changed, it's burning in anger now.

"Logan will marry Linnea in a year and I hope you can cooperate, Amanda. You don't want to ruin his future right?" Queen Melissa asked.

"Why are you two trying so hard to get rid of me? I'm just his friend and beside if he's marrying another woman, why bother to get rid of me?" I asked completely confuse because they kept doing this to me. I didn't do anything wrong.

"You have feelings for our son, we don't want you to take him away from us because we know that you're capable to change his mind. He's so close to be King and I don't want anything to ruin that!" King Valentino bursted and I can't believe they knew that I have feelings for him.

"We banned you from entering the country, Amanda. You can't enter Denmark anymore." My eyes widen looking at Queen Melissa who just announced it. I looked at her angrily and my grandfather grabbed my hand to calm me down.

"Wow.. you both are so afraid of me huh? You both came all the way to London just to tell me this?"

"Did he tell you that he doesn't want to take the throne?" Queen Melissa asked and my eyes widen. What? Logan didn't tell me anything about this! King Valentino gestured his hand to his wife and Queen Melissa took a small recorder out from her bag.

"Maybe you should listen to this.." She smirked.

"I don't want to take over the throne, father!" My eyes widen when I heard Logan's voice in the recording.

"How dare you!"

"I don't want to be King.. I've told you about this since 3 years ago. I want to step down and be with Mandy. I love her and I want to marry her! How many times do I have to tell you?" What? My breath got hitch hearing it. He loves me? He doesn't want to take the throne? I mean.. he told me about it once that he had thoughts about it.

"Who will rule the country then? You're the only child and the only heir to the throne! You don't have any excuses, Logan!" I heard King Valentino burst into anger.

"Father, I want Mandy to be happy. I want her to still have her dreams. I love her and I will move to London and be with her. I'll leave next month whether you'll like it or not!" Queen Melissa took the recorder and I looked at them both blankly.

"See.. he wanted to sacrifice his throne for you. You know his dreams right? Ever since he was little, he wanted to take over the throne quickly. He wanted to be a King.. a leader for his people." I know that, we kept talking about it when we were in highschool.

I don't want to ruin his dream just because of me.

I'm happy knowing that he loves me back but the fact that he's willing to sacrifice everything hurts me. He wanted that throne, he was made to rule, he has to rule and be a good King for his people. I don't want to take that away from him.

"You understand why we're here right? Do you still want to fight us about this?" King Valentino asked and I shook my head.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Disappear." Queen Melissa said smirking.

"Amanda, please think about it again." My grandfather warned and I turned to him.

"I'll do as you say.. so make the corronation faster."

TRS #1 : PrincezoneWhere stories live. Discover now